Main OFTutorials

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Descriptions of the tutorials (with pictures)


1.1 dnsFoam

2 basic

2.1 laplacianFoam

2.2 potentialFoam

2.3 scalarTransportFoam

3 cumbustion

3.1 XiFoam

Tutorial for XiFoam

3.2 dieselFoam


3.3 engineFoam

3.4 reactingFoam

4 compressible

4.1 rhoCentralFoam

4.2 rhoPimpleFoam

4.3 rhoPisoFoam

4.4 rhoPorousSimpleFoam

4.5 rhoSonicFoam

4.6 rhopSonicFoam

4.7 rhopSonicFoam

4.8 sonicFoam

4.9 sonicLiquidFoam

The basic tutorial case for sonicLiquidFoam is given on pg. 64 of hte Programmers Guide to OpenFOAM. The case describes decompression of a tank. The tank is initially filled with stationary liquid and the pressure is released at an outlet.

5 discreteMethods

5.1 dsmcFoam

5.2 molecularDynamics

6 electromagnetics

6.1 electrostaticFoam

6.2 mhdFoam

7 financial

7.1 financialFoam

8 heatTransfer

8.1 buoyantBoussinesqPisoFoam

8.2 buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam

8.3 buoyantPisoFoam

8.4 buoyantSimpleFoam

8.5 buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam

8.6 chtMultiRegionFoam

9 incompressible

9.1 MRFSimpleFoam

9.2 boundaryFoam

9.3 channelFoam

9.4 icoFoam

Lid-driven cavity flow. Left, right, and bottom walls are stationary. Top wall moves to the right, causing rotation in the fluid.

9.5 nonNewtonianIcoFoam

9.6 pimpleDyMFoam

9.7 pimpleFoam

9.8 pisoFoam

9.9 shallowWaterFoam

9.10 simpleFoam

9.11 simpleSRFFoam

10 lagrangian

Tutorials for particle based methods from the German Special Interest Group on Mulitphase Flows

10.1 coalChemistryFoam

10.2 porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam

10.3 reactingParcelFoam

10.4 rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam

11 mesh

11.1 moveDynamicMesh

11.2 snappyHexMesh

12 multiphase

12.1 bubbleFoam

12.2 cavitatingFoam

12.3 compressibleInterFoam

12.4 interDyMFoam

12.5 interFoam

12.5.1 laminar damBreak

damBreak Tutorial: Initializes as a wall of water by the left side of mesh. Water crashes down when case is run. elliptical bubble

ellipticalBubble: An elliptical bubble in a zero gravity field is starting to oscillate due to surface tension. Media:ellipticalBubble.tar.gz

12.6 multiphaseInterFoam

12.7 settlingFoam

12.8 twoPhaseEulerFoam

13 stressAnalysis

13.1 solidDisplacementFoam

13.2 solidEquilibriumDisplacementFoam

14 Other

14.1 icoTopoFoam

  • Tutorial for OpenFOAM dynamic mesh, Part I: attachDetach


  • Test case file for OpenFOAM dynamic mesh, Part I: attachDetach
