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Revision as of 20:12, 3 September 2012 by Fcollonv (Talk | contribs)

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1 Name

zipUpMesh - Reads in a mesh with hanging vertices and zips up the cells to guarantee that all polyhedral cells of valid shape are closed.

Valid versions: OF Version 21.png

2 Synopsis

zipUpMesh [OPTIONS]

3 Description

Reads in a mesh with hanging vertices and zips up the cells to guarantee that all polyhedral cells of valid shape are closed.

Meshes with hanging vertices may occur as a result of split hex mesh conversion or integration or coupled math face pairs.


Run the utility in parallel

-roots "(DIR1 [...DIRN])"

Directories through which the data are distributed

-region NAME

Specify a mesh region by its NAME

-case DIR

Execute the command on the case directory DIR. If not provided, use the current directory


Skip the execution of the functionObjects


Display the help and exit