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<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <allpages gapcontinue="RefineMesh" />
      <page pageid="1347" ns="0" title="ReconstructPar">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">This utility reconstruct a decomposed case run in parallel. The syntax is:

    reconstructPar &lt;root&gt; &lt;case&gt; [-constant] [-latestTime] [-time time]

If executed with the basic syntax:

    reconstructPar &lt;root&gt; &lt;case&gt;

it reconstructs all time or solution steps of the specified case, saving the corresponding directories in the main case directory.

However, it is possible to specify what particular time the user wants to reconstruct by means of the following options:

* '''-latestTime''': it reconstructs only the latest available time step (or solution step, for steady simulations).
* '''-time time''': it reconstructs only the specified available time step (or solution step, for steady simulations). Multiple times should be single-quoted and separated by comma's. For example, to reconstruct the 20th time step, the syntax becomes:

    reconstructPar &lt;root&gt; &lt;case&gt; -time 20

While for the 20th and 40th step:

    reconstructPar &lt;root&gt; &lt;case&gt; -time '20,40'

[[Category:Parallel processing utilities]]</rev>
      <page pageid="2632" ns="0" title="RefineHexMesh">
          <rev contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">==Name==
&lt;tt&gt;refineHexMesh&lt;/tt&gt; - Refines a hex mesh by 2x2x2 cell splitting.



Hex cells of the given CELLSET will be split in 8.

:Overwrite the existing mesh files

:Run the utility in parallel
'''-roots''' ''&quot;(DIR1 [...DIRN])&quot;''
:Directories through which the data are distributed

'''-case''' ''DIR''
:Execute the command on the case directory ''DIR''. If not provided, use the current directory
:Skip the execution of the [[functionObjects]]
:Display the help and exit</rev>