[hide]1 Introduction
The model that is introduced here is a combustion model based on the steady-state laminar flamelet theory. For references about the model have a look to the literature section. This model was build and programmed by the CRECK-Modeling group and published during the year 2010. The model itself contain the following stuff:
- Flamelet generator for non adiabatic systems (enthalpy defect)
- But unfortunatelly only as binaries
- Flamelet libraries which contain the extraction of the Look-Up-Tables, Interpolation and some other features
- Flamelet thermodynamic library to connect the flamelet libraries with the thermodynamic library
- Soot calculus for predicting soot formation
2 Presentations and theory stuff
The model was introduced to the community during the 5th OpenFOAM workshop and therefor you can find some stuff about that model on the links below. Additionally I made a very abstract presentation of the model and theory. If you are interested you can check out the following links:
- All stuff of the 5th OpenFOAM workshop [1]
- Abstract of the libOpenSMOKE tool [2]
- Presentation of the libOpenSMOKE tool [3]
- Presentation of the Steady-State Laminar Flamelet Model and OpenFOAM [4]
3 Valid version
The model can be used for the following OpenFOAM versions: Valid versions:
- Notice that I made some changes which are only available in my bitbucket repositories
- In the modified model there is no soot calculation available
- Notice that Bruno Santos rebuild the original source code
- Soot calculation is only available in the original code
4 Discussion on
Here you will find the important stuff that was discussed in the libOpenSMOKE thread [5]
- After page 20, some announcement of the new repositories (available now on instead at
- After page 16 there is a talk about swirled flames and bluff body flames
- Talk about chemistry (chemikin format)
- Talk about NASA-Polynomials
- Talk about flamelet generation (with the script available in the modified model)
- Talk about distribution functions for extending the flamelet from laminar to turbulent fields
- Discussion about transient problems and the flamelet solver build by Müller Hagen [6] [7]
- Talk about the implementation into OpenFOAM-2.3.x
- After page 14 the discussion went back to bluff body flames, important geometric meshing, LES
- At page 10ff the transient solver flameletPisoFoam solver was discussed with results, validations etc.
- Later on some talk about bluff-body flames and turbulence properties (BC) were discussed
- Talk about converged simulations
- Talk about numerical schemes [10], [11]
- Problems with kOmegaSST and numerical instability, also how to solve it [12]
- Equations that are used in the model (SIMPLE vs PISO) [13]
- Talk about crashing simulations and algebraic mixture fraction equaion [14]
- After page 7ff the discussion switched to the new implemented model to OpenFOAM-2.2.x and new features, changes ect.
- Bobi wants to buy and drink beer with me [15]
- new discription was added to the modifications
- some discussion on compiling and thermodynamic library
- flamelet implementation from CANTERA to the libOpenSMOKE tool
- At page 6 the topic changed
- from RANS to LES modeling (which is not implemented yet)
- the used radiation model [16]
- talk about the equations which are implemented into the code
- talk about SIMPLE and PISO solver, also LES
- After the 5th page the discussion was changing to the topic of
- solving,
- boundary conditions,
- residual controls,
- meshing 2d-ratational symmetric meshes,
- adiabatic and non-adiabatic look-up-tables
- The first sites is about recompiling the stuff for newer openfoam versions, soot solver, pre-requisits for the soot solver compilation (gsl-lib), problems during compilation and so on
5 Download
5.1 Modified model for OpenFOAM

- Mirror repository:
5.2 Original model for OpenFOAM

6 Validation
- Model validation can be found in the second chapter of these wiki page [20]
- Model validation can be found in the source code of the modified model [21]
- Model validation can be found on the the following thread: [22]