[hide]1 Short description
Fixed Heat flux boundary condition for incompressible thermal flow under Boussinesq-Approximation.
It reads Cp0 and rho0 from transportProperties dictionary.
It also need alphaEff field. This field has effective thermal diffusion coeffcients that incompressible thermal flow solver like boussinesqBuoyantSimpleFoam calculates.
- Note
- For a more recent version of this utility, see Contrib/wallHeatFluxIncompressible.
2 Installation
1. Download the package file into the directory where the OpenFOAM-1.5 directory exists, i.e. $WM_PROJECT_INST_DIR.
2. Untar the file.
tar zxf WallHeatFlux-VERSION.tar.gz
3. Apply the patch.
patch -p0 < Patch-OpenFOAM-1.5-src-finiteVolume-Make-for-wallHeatFlux-VERSION
4. Build the library.
cd src wmake libso finiteVolume
3 Note
This library has been not tested well especially for parallel calculation.
4 Download
5 History
- Masa 12:55, 19 August 2008 (CEST): Initial version