[hide]1 Overview
The purpose of the CaseBuilder is to build OpenFOAM cases that are ready to run, minimizing the amount of user inputs.
The CaseBuilder is split into two parts:
- the backend that reads the input and generates the part
- the frontend that interacts with the user
Input files required by the case builder are:
- the description file (usually with the extension pfcb)
- a template case from which files are copied and manipulated
The required input from the user is:
- The name of the destination case
- A set of parameters specified in the pfcb-file
- A mesh (which follows some conventions for the naming of the boundary patches)
Using these inputs the CaseBuilder generates a case that should be ready to run
2 Case Description Files – pfcb (PyFoamCaseBuilder)-files
Note: Building these pfcb-files is very much alike to programming
2.1 XML and DTD
Pfcb-files are XML-files. These are tedious to edit by hand, but with a file that describes the format and an editor that can use that format description it is more a „point and click“-experience.
The description of the pfcb-files is found in the file casebuilder.dtd that comes with pyFoam. When editing a pfcb-file point the XML-editor to that file and it should ensure that you only add „valid“ elements and tags (Note: I use for instance the XML-mode of (X)Emacs for editing – but I use Emacs for everything)
2.2 Structure of the files
Note: this only gives an overview of the files. The format might slightly change in future releases of PyFoam
A pfcb-file would look like this:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE casebuilder SYSTEM "casebuilder.dtd" > <casebuilder name="simpleFluent" description="simpleFoam-case with a FLUENT-mesh" template="$FOAM_TUTORIALS/simpleFoam/pitzDaily"> <helptext>Lange Hilfe</helptext> <arguments> <arg name="mshfile" description="The FLUENT-mesh file" default="test.msh"> <verify> <validator type="file"/> </verify> </arg> <arg name="vInlet" description="Velocity at the inlet" default="(1 0 0)"></arg> <arg name="skalierung" description="Scaling of the dings" default="0.001"></arg> <argumentgroup name="Fluid" description="Properties of the fluid"> <arg name="dVisc" description="The dynamic viscosity" default="1e-5"> <verify> <validator type="float" min="0"/> </verify> </arg> <arg name="density" description="The fluid density" default="1.2"> <verify> <validator type="float" min="0"/> </verify> </arg> </argumentgroup> </arguments> <variables> <var name="kVisc" description="The kinematic viscositiy"> kVisc=float(dVisc)/float(density) </var> </variables> <meshpreparation> <utility command="fluentMeshToFoam" arguments="%(mshfile)s -scale %(skalierung)s"/> </meshpreparation> <files> <boundaries> <boundary name="inlet" description="Velocity inlet" pattern="in.+"/> <boundary name="outlet" description="Pressure outlet" pattern="out.+"/> <boundary name="wall" description="Walls" pattern="wall.+"/> </boundaries> <parameterfiles> <directory name="constant"> <file name="RASProperties"> </file> <file name="transportProperties"> <parameter name="['nu'][2]" value="%(kVisc)s"/> </file> </directory> <directory name="system"> <file name="controlDict"> </file> <file name="fvSolution"> </file> <file name="fvSchemes"> </file> </directory> </parameterfiles> <fieldfiles> <field name="p"> <ic value="0"/> <bc name="wall" type="zeroGradient"/> <bc name="inlet" type="zeroGradient"/> <bc name="outlet" type="fixedValue" parameters="'value':'uniform 0'"/> <defaultbc type="zeroGradient"/> </field> <field name="U"> <ic value="(0 0 0)"/> <bc name="wall" type="fixedValue" parameters="'value':'uniform (0 0 0)'"/> <bc name="inlet" type="fixedValue" parameters="'value':'uniform %(vInlet)s'"/> <bc name="outlet" type="zeroGradient"/> <defaultbc type="fixedValue" parameters="'value':'uniform (0 0 0)'"/> </field> <field name="k"> <ic value="0.25"/> <bc name="inlet" type="fixedValue" parameters="'value':'$internalField'"/> <defaultbc type="zeroGradient"/> </field> <field name="epsilon"> <bc name="inlet" type="fixedValue" parameters="'value':'$internalField'"/> <ic value="15"/> <defaultbc type="zeroGradient"/> </field> </fieldfiles> </files> </casebuilder>
The main parts of the file are
2.2.1 The basic specification
These are in the root element:
- the name of the template
- a one line description
- the location of a template case from which files are to be copied
In addition there can be an optional longer help-text that can be displayed by a GUI.
2.2.2 The arguments
This is a list of the parameters that the user is asked for. The things that are specified here are:
- a short name for the parameter
- a short help text
- an optional default value for the parameter
- optionally a small Python-code-snipplet can be added. This is used to verify whether the user-input is valid
2.2.3 Variables
These are optional variables that are computed from the user input. The things to be specified are:
- the name
- a description
- a Python-code-snipplet that calculates the value of the vaiable
2.2.4 Mesh preparation
There are two ways to prepare the mesh:
- By running a utility on the case
- By copying it from another case
2.2.5 The files
This specifies the files that have to be generated in the target case. Boundaries
This enables the case-builder to tell from the name of the patch what kind of boundary-condition should be applied. The specification consists of
- the name of the boundary condition
- a regular expression that the name of the patch must match (so the mesh has to be generated with this in mid)
- A short description of the file Parameter-files
Files that are „independent“ of the mesh. For each directory of the template case the files that should be copied are specified. If certain-values should be modified according to the user input this is specified with a parameter-element Field-files
These are files that depend on the mesh (where the boundary-conditions have to be generated). The templates for these files are copied from the initial-time directory of the template-case. Three kinds of elements are specified:
- The initial value of the file (currently only uniform is possible)
- The default boundary-condition. This is the boundary condition that is written for a patch if no specific BC is specified for it
- Boundary conditions for specific patch types. The name that is specified here must be found in the boundaries specified above
Each boundary condition has a type-tag that is the name of the OpenFOAM-boundary type and an optional tag parameters that contains a Python-dictionary with the additional values necessary for that boundary condition
3 Implemented FrontEnds
Currently two front-ends are implemented. Others (especially graphical) are possible, but currently not planned.
3.1 – A command line interface
With this command-line utility the user only has to specify
- The name of the pfcb-file
- The name of the case
- The paramters in the order in which they appear in the pfcb-file
The utility then builds the case. An example usage would be simpleFluent.pfcb testIt test.msh "(5 0 0)" 0.01 1e-4 1.2
to build a case testIt from a FluentMesh test.msh that is scaled in centimeters.
3.2 – A text interface
A simple text interface that allows to browse the available pfcb-files (if none was selected on the command line) and afterwards fill out the values for the parameters of the selected pcfb-file.
Please note that
- you need to install the urwid library to be able to run it
- it is only a proof of concept (people here talk of „catching eye cancer“ when looking at the colors of that thing – see pictures)
4 Examples
Currently there are two examples for pfcb-files that come with pyFoam
4.1 simpleFluent
For this example you have got to provide a Fluent-mesh. The user only has to provide some basic quantities (density and kinematic viscosity). It generates a simpleFoam-case (the dynamic viscosity is calculated from the user input)
4.2 lesSnappy
This copies the mesh from a snappyHexMesh-“case“ and generates an oodles-case