[hide]1 Mesh setup
The mesh was generated with ICEM-HEXA and exported in the Fluent mesh format. The mesh is generated in two parts: impeller and diffuser, which can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: rotor mesh (in blue) and stator mesh (in red)
This 2D mesh has 93886 hexahedra cells.
To learn more about doing a 2D simulation, see HowTo: 2D simulations
2 Running the case
This case is computed using the GGI interface between the impeller and the diffuser.
Follow these steps to run the case from scratch:
First make sure that you have the following installed:
- A recent revision of OpenFOAM-1.5-dev
- (needed for the inlet boundary condition)
- the solver turbDyMFoam compiled
- The boundary condition turboWallFixedValue compiled
- (or comment out the trackDictionaryContent function from ECPMixerGgiFvMesh2D/system/controlDict)
- (or comment out the ggiCheck function from ECPMixerGgiFvMesh2D/system/controlDict)
cd $FOAM_RUN/ercoftacCentrifugalPump/cases/turbDyMFoam/ECPMixerGgiFvMesh2D ./Allrun >& log_Allrun&
3 Post-processing the case
This presently requires that you have run that case so that you have the following time directories:
The post-processing is automized, and can be executed by doing:
cd $FOAM_RUN/ercoftacCentrifugalPump/cases/turbDyMFoam/ECPMixerGgiFvMesh2D/postProcessing ./Allrun >& log_Allrun&
Likewise, if needed, the post-processing can be cleaned up by doing
cd $FOAM_RUN/ercoftacCentrifugalPump/cases/turbDyMFoam/ECPMixerGgiFvMesh2D/postProcessing ./Allclean
This deletes all the data that have been calculated from the post-processing, so be sure that you do not want to save anything from the previous calculation before cleaning up the post-processing.
4 Results
4.1 General results
Movie showing unsteady results: Media:2D_U_p.gif
Figure 2: Velocity magnitude of the turbDyMFoam/ECPMixerGgiFvMesh2D test case
Figure 3: Static pressure of the turbDyMFoam/ECPMixerGgiFvMesh2D test case
4.2 Comparison with the experimental data
Figure 5: Comparison with the experimental data for the relative radial velocity (Experimental results taken from Ubaldi 1998 [2])
Figure 6: Comparison with the experimental data for the relative tangential velocity (Experimental results taken from Ubaldi 1998 [2])
Figure 7: Comparison with the experimental data for the static pressure coefficient (Experimental results taken from Ubaldi 1998 [2])
Figure 8: Comparison with the experimental data for the static pressure coefficient for different radius (Experimental results taken from Ubaldi 1998 [2])
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