[hide]1 FAQ Section 10: Outdated
Very old topics, mostly because the development was stopped on these items or because the default options have changed
1.1 FoamX doesn't know my new solver
Look here: Howto_adding_a_new_solver_to_foamX
1.2 FoamX is unable to contact name server
These problems are almost always one of the following:
- the hostname is not set ('localhost' is not acceptable to Corba)
- the hostname is not (or twice) in /etc/hosts
- only the truncated name is present in /etc/hosts
- some port opening problem due to security
- libelf is missing
- libXp is missing
- SELinux is conflicting
- nscd (the name service caching daemon) is not running
(see the Message Board for issues on hostname, libelf, libXp, SELinux and nscd, and for general discussion on FoamX problems)
1.3 Why doesn't FoamX allow me to enter numbers?
FoamX is set up to run on a system where the default language is English. If you want to run it on a system which uses another language, you have to manually modify the ~/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-1.3/bin/FoamX script.
- For Linux and other UNIX-like systems, add the line:
export LANG=en_EN
at the beginning of the FoamX script, and the line:
at the end of the same file, replacing your_LANGUAGE_CODE with the corresponding code of the language in use in your system (for example, it_IT for italian).
(Source [1])
- For a Cygwin/Windows system, add the line
-Duser.language=en \
in the last part of the FoamX script so that it looks like as follows.
"$jdkhome/bin/java" \ -cp "$jars" \ -DFoamX.SystemPath="$WM_PROJECT_DIR" \ -DFoamX.SystemConfigPath="$FOAMX_CONFIG" \ -DFoamX.UserConfigPath="$FOAMX_CONFIG" \ -Duser.language=en \ FoamX.App $orbArgs $args
(Source [2])
1.4 How can I make a solver stop if the solution contains NaNs ?
Usually OpenFOAM keeps calculating even if the solution contains NaNs (Not a number) and therefore is of no use. To avoid this set the environment variable FOAM_SIGFPE to a non-zero value. In tcsh:
setenv FOAM_SIGFPE 1
or in bash:
export FOAM_SIGFPE=1
Faqdescription | Very old topics, mostly because the development was stopped on these items or because the default options have changed + |
Faqname | Outdated + |
Faqnumber | 10 + |