Installation/Linux/foam-extend-3.1/CentOS SL RHEL

From OpenFOAMWiki

1 Introduction

This page is dedicated to explaining how to prepare the following Linux Distributions for installing the foam-extend project OF Version 31ext.png:

  • Community ENTerprise Operating System, aka CentOS.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux, aka RHEL.
  • Scientific Linux, aka SL.

In theory, all of the above follow the same versioning.

Note: RHEL uses Fedora as their bleeding edge Linux Distribution, where they test new features. This leads to very close similarities between them, e.g. RHEL 6.3 is very similar to Fedora 14; which means that whatever you can build on Fedora 14, you should also be able to build on RHEL 6.3!

2 CentOS/RHEL/SL versions

2.1 CentOS 6.5

Have a look into the following post for ideas: foam-extend-3.0 on Centos 6.5 post #4