The solvers that are supplied with OpenFOAM. This page is structured according to the directory structure of the solver-sources.
[hide]1 Basic CFD codes
- laplacianFoam Solves a simple Laplace equation, e.g. for thermal diffusion in a solid.
- potentialFoam Simple potential flow solver which can be used to generate starting fields for full Navier-Stokes codes.
- scalarTransportFoam Solves a transport equation for a passive scalar.
2 Combustion
- chemFoam Solver for chemistry problems, designed for use on single cell cases to provide comparison against other chemistry solvers, that uses a single cell mesh, and fields created from the initial conditions.
- coldEngineFoam Solver for cold-flow in internal combustion engines.
- dieselEngineFoam Diesel engine spray and combustion code.
- dieselFoam Diesel spray and combustion code.
- engineFoam Solver for internal combustion engines.
- fireFoam Transient solver for fires and turbulent diffusion flames with reacting particle clouds, surface film and pyrolysis modelling.
- PDRFoam compressible premixed/partially-premixed turbulent combustion solver that includes porosity/distributed resistance (PDR) modelling to handle regions containing solid blockages that cannot be resolved by the mesh.
- reactingFoam Chemical reaction code.
- XiFoam Compressible premixed/partially-premixed combustion solver with turbulence modelling.
- Xoodles Compressible premixed/partially-premixed combustion solver with large-eddy simulation (LES) turbulence modelling.
3 Compressible flow
- coodles Compressible LES solver.
- rhoCentralFoam Density-based compressible flow solver based on central-upwind schemes.
- rhoPimpleFoam Transient solver for turbulent flow of compressible fluids for ventilation and heat-transfer.
- rhoPorousSimpleFoam Steady-state solver for turbulent flow of compressible fluids with implicit or explicit porosity treatment.
- rhopSonicFoam Pressure-density-based compressible flow solver.
- rhoSimpleFoam Steady-state solver for turbulent flow of compressible fluids for ventilation and heat-transfer.
- rhoSonicFoam Density-based compressible flow solver.
- rhoTurbFoam Transient solver for compressible, turbulent flow.
- sonicFoam Transient solver for trans-sonic/supersonic, laminar flow of a compressible gas.
- sonicFoamAutoMotion Transient solver for trans-sonic/supersonic, laminar flow of a compressible gas with mesh motion.
- sonicLiquidFoam Transient solver for trans-sonic/supersonic, laminar flow of a compressible liquid.
- sonicTurbFoam Transient solver for trans-sonic/supersonic, turbulent flow of a compressible gas.
4 Direct numerical simulation (DNS)
- dnsFoam Direct numerical simulation solver for boxes of isotropic turbulence.
5 Electromagnetics
- electrostaticFoam Solver for electrostatics.
- mhdFoam Solver for magnetohydrodynamics (MHD): incompressible, laminar flow of a conducting fluid under the influence of a magnetic field.
- magneticFoam Solver for the magnetic field generated by permanent magnets.
6 Finance
- financialFoam Solves the Black-Scholes equation to price commodities.
7 Heat transfer
- buoyantFoam Transient solver for buoyant, turbulent flow of compressible fluids for ventilation and heat-transfer.
- buoyantBoussinesqPisoFoam Transient solver for buoyant, turbulent flow of incompressible fluids.
- buoyantSimpleFoam Steady-state solver for buoyant, turbulent flow of compressible fluids for ventilation and heat-transfer.
- buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam Steady-state solver for buoyant, turbulent flow of compressible fluids with radiation, for ventilation and heat-transfer.
- chtMultiRegionFoam Solver that couples conjugate heat transfer in a solid to a buoyancy-driven flow simulation.
- lesBuoyantFoam Transient solver for buoyant, turbulent flow of compressible fluids for ventilation and heat-transfer with LES turbulence modelling.
8 Incompressible flow
- boundaryFoam Steady-state solver for 1D turbulent flow, typically to generate boundary layer conditions at an inlet, for use in a simulation.
- channelOodles Incompressible LES solver for flow in a channel.
- icoDyMFoam Transient solver for incompressible, laminar flow of Newtonian fluids with dynamic mesh.
- icoFoam Transient solver for incompressible, laminar flow of Newtonian fluids.
- nonNewtonianIcoFoam Transient solver for incompressible, laminar flow of non-Newtonian fluids.
- oodles Incompressible LES solver.
- pimpleDyMFoam Transient solver for incompressible, turbulent flow of Newtonian fluids with dynamic mesh.
- simpleFoam Steady-state solver for incompressible, turbulent flow of non-Newtonian fluids.
- turbDyMFoam Transient solver for incompressible, turbulent flow of Newtonian fluids with dynamic mesh.
- turbFoam Transient solver for incompressible, turbulent flow.
- overPimpleDyMFoam Transient solver for incompressible flow of Newtonian fluids on a moving mesh using the PIMPLE (merged PISO-SIMPLE) algorithm.
9 Molecular dynamics
- gnemdFoam General purpose molecular dynamics solver to simulate atoms in arbitrary shaped domains and average atomic/molecular quantities to the mesh to create field data
- mdEquilibrationFoam Solver that equilibrates and/or preconditions molecular dynamics systems
10 Multiphase flow
- bubbleFoam Solver for a system of 2 incompressible fluid phases with one phase dispersed, e.g. gas bubbles in a liquid.
- compressibleLesInterFoam Solver for 2 compressible, isothermal immiscible fluids using a volume of fluid (VOF) phase-fraction based interface capturing approach, with LES.
- interDyMFoam Solver for 2 incompressible fluids, which captures the interface using a VOF method with optional mesh motion.
- interFoam Solver for 2 incompressible fluids, which tracks the interface and includes the option of mesh motion.
- interPhaseChangeFoam Solver for 2 incompressible, isothermal immiscible fluids with phase-change, e.g. cavitation, using a VOF method.
- lesCavitatingFoam Transient cavitation code with LES turbulence.
- lesInterFoam Solver for 2 incompressible fluids capturing the interface. Turbulence is modelled using a runtime selectable incompressible LES model.
- multiphaseInterFoam Solver for an arbitrary number of incompressible immiscible fluids, capturing the multiple interfaces using a VOF method.
- rasCavitatingFoam Transient cavitation code with RAS turbulence.
- rasInterFoam Solver for 2 incompressible fluids capturing the interface. Turbulence is modelled using a runtime selectable incompressible RAS model.
- settlingFoam Solver for 2 incompressible fluids for simulating the settling of the dispersed phase. With OF-2.3.1, this solver has been replaced by driftFluxFoam.
- twoLiquidMixingFoam Solver for mixing 2 incompressible fluids.
- twoPhaseEulerFoam Solver for a system of 2 incompressible fluid phases with one phase dispersed, e.g. gas bubbles in a liquid.
11 Stress analysis of solids
- solidDisplacementFoam Transient segregated finite-volume solver of linear-elastic, small-strain deformation of a solid body, with optional thermal diffusion and thermal stresses.
- solidEquilibriumDisplacementFoam Steady-state segregated finite-volume solver of linear-elastic, small-strain deformation of a solid body.
Note to editors: Use the solver name as the page name, when adding a new solver to this page.