Main ContribPapers
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[hide]1 Reports
- How OpenFOAM does Rhie-Chow written by Fabian Peng Karrholm, Chalmers University
- Object-Oriented Multi-Physics Applied to Spatial Reactor Dynamics written by Ivor Clifford, North West University
- Technical report on interTrackFoam written by Anders Rynell, Chalmers University
- PhD thesis on FSI using OpenFOAM, written by Rob Campbell, Penn State University
2 Papers tagged with OpenFOAM
3 The original paper outlining OpenFOAM:
- H.G. Weller, G. Tabor, H. Jasak, and C. Fureby. A tensorial approach to computational continuum mechanics using object orientated techniques. Computers in Physics, 12(6):620 - 631, 1998.
4 Other papers originally listed at the old site:
- C. Fureby, A.D. Gosman, G. Tabor, H. G. Weller, N. Sandham, and M. Wolfsthein. Large eddy simulation of turbulent channel flows. In Proceedings of Turbulent Shear Flows 11, volume 3, pages 28-13, 1997.
- C. Fureby, G. Tabor, H.G. Weller, and A.D. Gosman. A comparative study of sub-grid scale models in homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Phys. Fluids, 9(5):1416-1429, May 1997.
- C.J. Greenshields, H.G. Weller, and A. Ivankovic. The finite volume method for coupled fluid flow and stress analysis. Computer modelling and simulation in engineering, 4:213-218, 1999.
- J.K. Hutchings, H. Jasak, and S. Laxon. A finite volume viscous-plastic sea ice model. Presented at European Geophysical Society XXV General Assembly and Geophysical Research Abstracts. Part II: Hydrology, Oceans & Atmosphere,, April 2000.
- J.K. Hutchings, H. Jasak, and S. Laxon. An ice strength implicit successive correction scheme for the viscous-plastic sea ice model. Presented at European Geophysical Society XXV General Assembly and Geophysical Research Abstracts. Part II: Hydrology, Oceans & Atmosphere,, April 2000.
- H. Jasak. Error analysis and estimation in the Finite Volume method with applications to fluid flows. PhD thesis, Imperial College, University of London, 1996.
- H. Jasak and A.D. Gosman. Local problem error estimate in finite volume discretisation. Submitted to Computers and Fluids, May 1998.
- H. Jasak and A.D. Gosman. Automatic resolution control for the finite volume method. part 1: A-posteriori error estimates. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 38(3):237-256, September 2000.
- H. Jasak and A.D. Gosman. Automatic resolution control for the finite volume method. part 2: Adaptive mesh refinement. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 38(3):257-272, September 2000.
- H. Jasak and A.D. Gosman. Automatic resolution control for the finite volume method. part 3: Turbulent flow application. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B, 38(3):273-290, September 2000.
- H. Jasak and A.D. Gosman. Residual error estimate for the finite volume method. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 39:1-19, 2001.
- H. Jasak and H.G. Weller. Interface-tracking capabilities of the intergamma differencing scheme. Internal Report, CFD research group, Imperial College, London, February 1995.
- H. Jasak and H.G. Weller. Application of the finite volume method and unstructured meshes to linear elasticity. Int. J. Num. Meth. Engineering, 48(2):267-287, 2000.
- H. Jasak and H.G. Weller. Finite volume methodology for contact problems of linear elastic solids. In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference of Croatian Society of Mechanics, Cavtat/Dubrovnik, pages 253-260, September 2000.
- H. Jasak, H.G. Weller, and A.D. Gosman. High resolution nvd differencing scheme for arbitrarily unstructured meshes. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids, 31:431-449, 1999.
- H.G. Weller. The development of a new flame area combustion model using conditional averaging. Thermo-Fluids Section Report TF 9307, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, March 1993.
- H.G. Weller, G. Tabor, A.D. Gosman, and C. Fureby. Application of a flame-wrinkling les combustion model to a turbulent mixing layer. To appear in the proceedings of the Twenty-Seventh Combustion Symposium (International), 1998.