Main OFTutorials
Descriptions of the tutorials (with pictures)
[hide]1 DNS
1.1 dnsFoam
2 basic
2.1 laplacianFoam
2.2 potentialFoam
2.3 scalarTransportFoam
3 combustion
3.1 XiFoam
3.2 dieselFoam
3.3 engineFoam
3.4 reactingFoam
- A first tutorial case for this solver
4 compressible
4.1 rhoCentralFoam
4.2 rhoPimpleFoam
4.3 rhoPisoFoam
4.4 rhoPorousSimpleFoam
4.5 rhoSonicFoam
4.6 rhopSonicFoam
4.7 rhopSonicFoam
4.8 sonicFoam
4.9 sonicLiquidFoam
The basic tutorial case for sonicLiquidFoam is given on pg. 64 of hte Programmers Guide to OpenFOAM. The case describes decompression of a tank. The tank is initially filled with stationary liquid and the pressure is released at an outlet.
5 discreteMethods
5.1 dsmcFoam
5.2 molecularDynamics
6 electromagnetics
6.1 electrostaticFoam
6.2 mhdFoam
7 financial
7.1 financialFoam
8 heatTransfer
8.1 buoyantBoussinesqPisoFoam
8.2 buoyantBoussinesqSimpleFoam
8.3 buoyantPisoFoam
8.4 buoyantSimpleFoam
8.5 buoyantSimpleRadiationFoam
8.6 chtMultiRegionFoam
9 incompressible
9.1 MRFSimpleFoam
9.2 boundaryFoam
9.3 channelFoam
9.4 icoFoam
Lid-driven cavity flow. Left, right, and bottom walls are stationary. Top wall moves to the right, causing rotation in the fluid.
There are a few variations that come with the tutorials. The first three (cavity, cavityClipped and cavityGrade) are mofications to the classic lid driven cavity. The first case, cavity, has a step-by-step tutorial provided with the documentation (see Lid-driven cavity flow). The other case is a simple mixing elbow.
--Wlamont (talk) 21:12, 11 March 2013 (CET)
9.5 nonNewtonianIcoFoam
9.6 pimpleDyMFoam
9.7 pimpleFoam
9.8 pisoFoam
9.9 shallowWaterFoam
9.10 simpleFoam
These tutorials use the simpleFoam solver which is an implementation for steady flow using the SIMPLE algorithm. SimpleFoam can use all the turbulence models in the incompressibleTurbulenceModels library and the non-Newtonian models in incompressibleTransportModels library. There are 6 different tutorials using this solver in OpenFOAM 2.1.1: (1) 2D air foil (airlFoil2D), (2) motor bike (motorBike), (3) Cyclic pipe (pipeCyclic), (4) backwards facing step (pitzDaily), (5) backwards facing step with a experimentally derived inlet boundary (pitzDailyExpInlet), and (6) a turbine siting example (turbineSiting). --Wlamont (talk) 23:33, 6 November 2012 (CET)
9.11 simpleSRFFoam
10 lagrangian
Tutorials for particle based methods from the German Special Interest Group on Mulitphase Flows
10.1 coalChemistryFoam
10.2 porousExplicitSourceReactingParcelFoam
10.3 reactingParcelFoam
10.4 rhoPisoTwinParcelFoam
11 mesh
11.1 moveDynamicMesh
11.2 snappyHexMesh
12 multiphase
12.1 bubbleFoam
12.2 cavitatingFoam
12.3 compressibleInterFoam
12.4 interDyMFoam
- Brief description of the floatingObject tutorial: Main_OFTutorials/interDyMFoam/FloatingObject_Tutorial
12.5 interFoam
12.5.1 laminar damBreak
damBreak Tutorial: Initializes as a wall of water by the left side of mesh. Water crashes down when case is run. elliptical bubble
ellipticalBubble: An elliptical bubble in a zero gravity field is starting to oscillate due to surface tension. Media:ellipticalBubble.tar.gz
12.6 multiphaseInterFoam
12.7 settlingFoam
12.8 twoPhaseEulerFoam
13 stressAnalysis
13.1 solidDisplacementFoam
13.2 solidEquilibriumDisplacementFoam
14 Other
14.1 icoTopoFoam
- Tutorial for OpenFOAM dynamic mesh, Part I: attachDetach Media:OpenFOAM-Dynamic-Mesh-attachDetach.odt.gz
- Test case file for OpenFOAM dynamic mesh, Part I: attachDetach Media:attachDetachTJunction-1.2-hsieh.tar.gz