From OpenFOAMWiki
Here you will find references to models implemented/used in OpenFOAM.
- Combustion Models
Chalmers PaSR: used in dieselFoam and dieselEngineFoam and described in Complex Chemistry Modeling of Diesel Spray Combustion, N. Nordin, Chalmers University of Technology, PhD Thesis (2001)
- Lagrangian Sprays
- Tracking algorithm: Particle tracking in unstructured, arbitrary polyhedral meshes for CFD
- and molecular dynamics,
- G.B. Macpherson, N.Nordin and H.G Weller
- Communications In Numerical Methods In Engineering (2008)
- Atomization Models:
- P.K. Senecal, D.P. Schmidt, I. Nouar, C.J. Rutland, R.D. Reitz, M. Corradini
- Modeling high-speed viscous liquid sheet atomization
- International Journal of Multiphase Flow 25 (1999) pags. 1073-1097
- D.P. Schmidt, I. Nouar, P.K. Senecal, C.J. Rutland, J.K. Martin, R.D. Reitz
- Pressure-Swirl Atomization in the Near Field
- SAE Techical Paper Series 1999-01-0496
- BlobsSheet
- Z. Han, S. Parrish, P.V. Farrell, R.D. Reitz
- Modeling Atomization Processes Of Pressure Swirl Hollow-Cone Fuel Sprays
- Atomization and Sprays, vol. 7, pp. 663-684, 1997
- L. Allocca, G. Bella, A. De Vita, L. Di Angelo
- Experimental Validation of a GDI Spray Model
- SAE Technical Paper Series, 2002-01-1137
- Breakup Models:
- ReitzDiwakar
- Reitz, R.D. and Diwakar, R.
- Effect of drop breakup on fuel sprays
- SAE Tech. paper series, 860469 (1986)
- Reitz, R.D. and Diwakar, R.
- Structure of high-pressure fuel sprays
- SAE Tech. paper series, 870598 (1987)
- KHRT: Kelvin-Helmholtz Rayleigh-Taylor
- Modeling Atomization Processes in High-Pressure Vaporizing Sprays
- R.D. Reitz,
- Atomization and Spray Technology, Vol 3:309-337 (1987)
- other related references are
- Experimental and Numerical Studies of High Pressure Multiple Injection Sprays
- T.F. Su, M. Patterson, R.D. Reitz and P.V. Farrell,
- SAE Paper 90861 (1996)
- In-Cylinder Measurement and Modeling of Liquid Fuel Penetration in a
- Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine,
- L.M. Ricart, J. Xin, G.R. Bower and R.D Reitz,
- SAE Paper 971591 (1997)
- O'Rourke, P.J. and Amsden, A.A.,
- The TAB Method for Numerical Calculation of Spray Droplet Breakup,
- 1987 SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting and Exposition,
- Toronto, Ontario, November 2-5, 1987,
- Los Alamos National Laboratory document LA-UR-87-2105;
- SAE Technical Paper Series, Paper 872089.
- PilchErdman
- Pilch, M. and Erdman, C.A.
- Use of breakup time data and velocity history data
- to predict the maximum size of stable fragments for acceleration
- induced breakup of a liquid drop
- Int. J. Multiphase Flows 13 (1987), 741-757
- F.X. Tanner
- Liquid Jet Atomization and Droplet Breakup Modeling of
- Non-Evaporating Diesel Fuel Sprays
- SAE 970050,
- SAE Transactions: Journal of Engines, Vol 106, Sec 3 pp 127-140
- F.X. Tanner and G. Weisser
- Simulation of Liquid Jet Atomization for
- Fuel Sprays by Means of Cascade Drop Breakup Model
- SAE 980808
- SAE Technical Paper Series
- R. Schmehl, G. Maier, S. Witting
- CFD Analysis of Fuel Atomization, Secondary Droplet Breakup and Spray
- Dispersion in the Premix Duct of a LPP Combustor.
- Eight International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, 2000
Compressible Turbulence Models
kEpsilon: kOmegaSST: LaunderGibsonRSTM: LaunderSharmKE: LRR: realizableKE: RNGkEpsilon: SpalartAllmaras:
Incompressible Turbulence Models
kEpsilon: kOmegaSST: LamBremhorstKE: LaunderSharmaKE: LienCubicKE: LienCubicKELowRe: LienLeschzinerLowRE: LRR: NonlinearKEShih: QZeta: realizableKE: RNGkEpsilon: SpalartAllmaras:
Compressible LES Models
DeardorffDiffStress: dynOneEqEddy: GenEddyVisc: GenSGSStress: lowReOneEqEddy: oneEqEddy: Smagorinsky: SpalarAllmaras:
Incompressible LES Models
DeardorffDiffStress: dynMixedSmagorinsky: dynOneEqEddy: GenEddyVisc: GenSGSStress: locDynOneEqEddy: LRRDiffStress: mixedSmagorinsky: oneEqEddy: scaleSimilarity: Smagorinsky: Smagorinsky2: SpalarAllmaras: spectEddyVisc: vanDriestDelta:
RK: Runge-Kutta KRR4: Kaps-Rentrop SIBS: Semi-Implicit Bulirsh-Stoer taken from Numerical Recipes Introduction to Numerical Analysis (New York: Springer-Verlag), J. Stoer and R. Bulirsch
twoPhaseEulerFoam: kineticTheory was implemented starting from the Thesis by Berend van Wachem, '...'
Discretization Schemes
work in progress, --Niklas 14:44, 3 Oct 2007 (CEST)