PFAU 6.0 Austrian User Meeting

From OpenFOAMWiki

24 June, 2013 in Graz, Austria

The OpenFOAM User Meeting 6.0 in Graz is scheduled for Monday, June 24, 2013 (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

It will take place at this address:

Institute for Process and Particle Engineering
Graz University of Technology
Inffeldgasse 13/III
8010 Graz Austria 

If you want to participate (either with or without a presentation) contact Stefan Radl

Reported at Jan 24,2013

Facts about "PFAU 6.0 Austrian User Meeting"RDF feed
Eventdate24 November 2013 +
EventlocationGraz, Austria +
Newsdate24 January 2013 +