getBinutils script broken

From OpenFOAMWiki

Seems that the URL is out of date.

Pete Bachant (talk)16:02, 26 September 2016

?? I seriously need more details... this command worked just fine for me:

wget ""
Wyldckat (talk)22:42, 26 September 2016

Hi Bruno,

I'm getting this error, which I think is a proxy issue since I can wget things with http and https addresses:

Resolving failed: Name or service not known. wget: unable to resolve host address `'

Pete Bachant (talk)20:13, 28 September 2016

Hi Pete,

Ah, that's much better ;)

Please check if you can use the following command (address):

wget -P download

I've been meaning to make this change on all of the scripts, but I can use some more feedback on this, specially when we have your machine as a test subject.

Best regards, Bruno

Wyldckat (talk)20:25, 28 September 2016