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Studied mechanical engineering at the KIT Germany. Worked for the ITV, University of Stuttgart, Germany.

Research Interests: Large Eddy Simulation, Combustion, Eul-Lag Simulation, Multiphase flows.

Research Paper: G. Olenik, O.T. Stein, A. Kronenburg, "LES of swirl-stabilised pulverised coal combustion in IFRF furnace No.1", Proc. Combust. Inst. 35(3):2819-2828 (2015), O.T. Stein, G. Olenik, A. Kronenburg, F. Cavallo Marincola, B.M. Franchetti, A.M. Kempf, M. Ghiani, M. Vascellari, C. Hasse, “Towards comprehensive coal combustion modelling for LES”, Flow Turb. Combust., 90:859-884 (2013)