5 years of teaching experience in the field of CFD. Taught courses like Computational fluid dynamics, Supersonic aerodynamics, Rockets and missiles, and Aerodynamics. Engaged as project guide for many undergraduates and post graduates using computational techniques in fluid mechanics and propulsion.
Research Papers [1] Shyla M.V., Naidu K.B., Vasanth Kumar G, ”Fixing sensor position using CFD analysis for trace detection of toxic gases”, Accepted by Indian journal of science and technology. [2] Shyla M.V., Naidu K.B., Vasanth Kumar G., “Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulation of Flow around Gas Sensor Array,” in National Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematical Computing, NCRTMC’13, conducted by VIT University, ISBN 978-93-82338-68-0, pp. 255-263, 23rd to 24th Aug 2013.
Planning to expand my knowledge through OpenFOAM.