HowTo use particle tracer in paraFoam

From OpenFOAMWiki

The particle tracer filter in paraview creates massless particle tracking with pathlines that animates over time without lagrangian data.

1 Visualization pipeline

Visualization pipeline
  • Load your velocity fields (U) in paraview.
    • If you have a large dataset you should apply the Temporal Interpolator filter in order to decrease the time data, and so decrease the chance of segmentation fault. This filter can also be used to interpolate saved time steps that are typically too sparse to create a smooth particle tracking animation by themselves.
  • Generate the seed points from a source object (Point Source, Line, Plane, etc.) in the Sources menu. It must intersect your mesh and you can regulate the number of seed points (resolution) on your Source object.
  • Apply the Particle Tracer filter taking your data as input and your source object (Point Source, Line, Plane, etc.) as source. The option Force Reinjection Every NSteps gives the injection rate per time step (0: injects only at the beginning; 1: injects every time step).

2 Example: icoFoam/cavity

We will use the $FOAM_TUTORIALS/incompressible/icoFoam/cavity tutorial case to exemplify the pipeline.

3 References

This tutorial is based on user this post on