Local User Groups / Local User Group Germany

From OpenFOAMWiki


Dear southbound FOAMers,

the third OpenFOAM-"Stammtisch" in southern Germany will take place in Munich (Campus Garching):

April 3rd, 2009, 10:00 a.m.
"Seminarraum 1701"
Department Maschinenbau

For the route and campus maps see
Lageplan.gif and CampusPlan.gif


The presentations should be within a time frame of 20-25 minutes giving some room for discussion afterwards. If you plan to give a presentation please send me a mail. I will set up a draft agenda, which will be send in the forefront of the "Stammtisch".

Preliminary list of topics (not complete)


Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF[1]) sessions will be set after lunch to stimulate discussions on various topics. It will be organised along with the formation of different interest groups attending. So for coding please DON'T FORGET YOUR LAPTOPS!

If you are interested and plan to attend, please drop me a mail.

best regards from Munich
Holger Marschall

As a result of our first OpenFOAM user meeting in the SOUTH of Germany at the University of Cooperative Education Mosbach on October, 15th, 2008, a few topics were identified which are of general interest. All interested users are invited to join these groups which will meet several times a year to discuss, to write code, etc. For further information send a mail to the contact person.

As a result of our first OpenFOAM user meeting in the NORTH of Germany at the University of Rostock on November, 5th, 2008, a few topics were identified which are of general interest. All interested users are invited to join these groups which will meet several times a year to discuss, to write code, etc. For further information send a mail to the contact person.

Furthermore general interest in mesh generation and FSI is underlined. For more information write an email to Johann Turnow (johann.turnow@uni-rostock.de).

The next meeting will be in January/February 2009. Details will be published in the OpenFOAM WIKI and the OpenFOAM Message Board.