3rd Dutch User Meeting

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12 June, 2012 to 12 June, 2012 in Delft, Netherlands, More information at www.dutchopenfoamusers.nl

Venue: Delft Technical University, Delft

The next user meeting of the Dutch OpenFOAM user group will take place at Delft University of Technology on June 12, 2012. For the morning program, we are organizing an interactive workshop with an OpenFOAM expert so that you can discuss your problems and experiences with OpenFOAM. In the afternoon, we have an interesting program with speakers from various places in Europe.


13:00-13:30	Reception with coffee and tea
13:30-14:15	Keynote speaker: Hrvoje Jasak: "New developments in OpenFOAM"
14:15-14:30	Brief report on the progress of the validation initiative
14:30-14:45	Coffee/Tea break
14:45-16:15	Dutch OpenFOAM User Presentations
	        * Gerber de Graaf from Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya:
	          "FreeFOAM: a fork of OpenFOAM to facilitate administration and usage"
	        * Henk Seubers, Delft University of Technology:
	          "Data-assimilation for OpenFOAM using OpenDA"
	        * Ville Vuorinen from Aalto university:
	          "Implementation of Runge-Kutta based Navier-Stokes solvers in the OpenFOAM environment"
16:15-17:00	Drinks

Reported at May 23,2012