- Source code repositories
- Description
- QGDsolver is OpenFOAM framework for simulation of fluid flows using regularized equations approach. It contains library for approximation of partial derivatives at face centers of unstructured grids and a set of OpenFOAM solvers:
1. QGDFoam - solver for compressible viscous perfect gas flows in a wide Mach number range - from 0 to infinity
2. QHDFoam - solver for incompressible viscous fluid flows with buoyancy force
3. particlesQGDFOam - solver for compressible viscous perfect gas flows in a wide Mach number range with particles - from 0 to infinity
4. particlesQHDFoam - solver for incompressible viscous fluid flows with buoyancy force with particles
5. SRFQHDFoam - solver for incompressible viscous fluid flows in rotating frame of reference with buoyancy force
6. QHDDyMFoam - solver for incompressible viscous fluid flows in domains with deforming boundary and with buoyancy force
7. interQHDFoam - solver for incompressible 2-phase viscous fluid flows with buoyancy force and surface tension
8. reactingLagrangianQGDFoam - solver for reacting multicomponent compressible viscous perfect gas flows in a wide Mach number range with particles - from 0 to infinity
9. scalarTransportQHDFoam - solver for scalar transport equation to demonstrate the very basics of QGD/QHD equations principles
Generally speaking, QGD/QHD framework offers and alternative to PISO/SIMPLE and Riemann-solvers approach to simulate various flow phenomena on unstructured grids. And sometime it could be superior comparing to more traditional techniques.
- Support pages
- Issue/bug tracker: QGDsolver Issue Tracker
- Forum announcement thread: QGDsolver - OpenFOAM computational framework for fluid flows based on regularized equations
The presentation covering some theory and basics of the implemeted approach could be downloaded HERE:
- Installation instructions
- Download corresponding branch/release from GitHub
- Run Allwmake script in the Sources directory