- Source code repositories
- Git Repository: hybridCentralSolvers at GitHub by unicfdlab
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- Git Repository: hybridCentralSolvers at GitHub by unicfdlab
- Description
- hybridCentralSolvers is a set of OpenFOAM solvers, that employ mixed Rieman/Projection advection scheme for the numerical simulation of compressible flows. The advantage of this hybrid scheme goes from universality of PIMPLE projection method, which allows to use the same framework for different type of flows (different EoS, mesh motion, multicomponent flow, etc) and from non-oscillating flux reconstruction schemes, namely Kurgranov-Tadmore.
At the current moment, next solvers are present:
1. pimpleCentralFoam - Pressure-based semi implicit compressible flow of perfect gas solver based on central-upwind schemes of Kurganov and Tadmor with LTS support for steady-state calculations
2. rhoPimpleCentralFoam - Pressure-based semi implicit compressible flow of real gas solver based on central-upwind schemes of Kurganov and Tadmor and LTS support for steady-state calculations
3. pimpleCentralDyMFoam - Pressure-based semi implicit compressible flow of perfect gas solver based on central-upwind schemes of Kurganov and Tadmor with mesh motion and LTS support for steady-state calculations
4. reactingPimpleCentralFoam - Pressure-based semi implicit compressible flow solver based on central-upwind schemes of Kurganov and Tadmor for combustion with chemical reactions and LTS support for steady-state calculations
5. twoPhaseMixingCentralFoam - Transient Eulerian two-phase solver. Liquid and gas are considered as compressible fluids. Mass transfer at the interface is not accounted.
6. twoPhaseMixingCentralDyMFoam - Transient Eulerian two-phase solver with dynamic meshes. Liquid and gas are considered as compressible fluids. Mass transfer at the interface is not accounted.
7. chtMultiRegionCentralFoam - Pressure-based semi implicit solver, based on hybrid central-upwind schemes of Kurganov and Tadmor for conjugate simulation of compressible flows of perfect gas (Mach number ranges from 0 to 6) and solid body heat transfer.
8. interTwoPhaseCentralFoam - pressure-based solver for compressible 0-4 Mach numbers flow of two-phase media with account to viscosity and gravity. The solver utilizes VoF method for resolution of phase interface and ACID ( to calculate properties in the region where both phases are present.
9. vofTwoPhaseCentralFoam - an improved version (since OpenFOAM+ 2312) of interTwoPhaseCentralFoam solver that uses volumetric fluxes for transport (increased robustness).
- Support pages
- Issue/bug tracker: hybridCentralSolvers Issue Tracker
- Forum support thread: All Mach number implicit solver with Kurganov-Tadmore scheme - pisoCentralFoam
- Installation instructions
- Download corresponding branch from GitHub
- Run Allwmake script in the Sources directory