From OpenFOAMWiki
This utility generates a list of all the OpenFOAM Utilities in a directory-hierarchy. The description of the utilities is extracted from the source files. The algorithm assumes that the description can be found
- in the file that contains the main-function
- in the comment at the beginning of the source file
- and is of the form:
The usual disclaimer
This is the description that is used (until the end of the comment)
The Utility prints it's results to standard-out.
Calling it like this
python $FOAM_UTILITIES | a2ps
gives a print-out that starts like this
= errorEstimation *** estimateScalarError *** Estimates the error in the solution for a scalar transport equation in the standard form *** icoErrorEstimate *** Estimates error for the incompressible laminar CFD application icoFoam. *** icoMomentError *** Estimates error for the incompressible laminar CFD application icoFoam. *** momentScalarError *** Estimates the error in the solution for a scalar transport equation in the standard form = mesh == advanced *** autoRefineMesh *** Utility to refine cells near to a surface.
the command
python $FOAM_SOLVERS | a2ps
generates the same for the solvers.
The file is downloaded as Media:makeApplicationList_py.gz. It is only a rough sketch and makes no attempt to beautify the sources (and it might miss some of the applications)