Contrib Parallelized Native OpenFOAM Reader for ParaView

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Revision as of 07:19, 3 October 2009 by 7islands (Talk | contribs)

1 Short description

This is an OpenFOAM native reader for ParaView 3.6/3.7 and VTK (vtkOpenFOAMReader) and its parallelization extension for decomposePar-ed cases (vtkPOpenFOAMReader).

2 Features

  • Fast. For a rough performance indication, the reader loads an ascii-gzipped mesh with 3.5 million hexahedral cells in 9 seconds on the developer's 3.0 GHz Mac Pro.
  • Memory efficient. The readers typically requires less memory than PV3FoamReader. The above mentioned case crashes a 32-bit version of ParaView due to out of memory if loaded by PV3FoamReader, while the reader does not.
  • Portable. The reader works under Linux, Mac OS X and Windows without any porting works.
  • Supports multi-region cases and parallel reading of decomposed cases.

3 Manifest and Licenses

After unpacking the package, the following contents will be found under the top directory.

BSD/ contains the reader provided under the ParaView License 1.2
GPL/ contains additional UI controls provided under the GPL
CMakeLists.txt (CMake configuration file)
README (mostly identical contents as this wiki page)
readerPanel.pdf (quick reference guide)

The BSD/ subdirectory contains the main reader sources which are licensed under the ParaView License (a BSD license, "the code may be used in commercial products without condition" in Kitware's words). The GPL/ subdirectory contains the additional UI which is licensed under the GPL in order to avoid complicated licensing issues coming from the fact that the developer is using an open source edition of Qt 4.3. The GPLed materials are required only for "refresh (rescan timesteps and reload mesh and fields with a single click)" and "watch a running case (poll the case directory with a specified interval and render a new timestep if one is found)" capabilities. Other reader functionalities work without the GPLed materials. (Furthermore: this wiki page is licensed under the GFDL)

4 Installation

The reader can be installed as either plugins or a builtin reader. Unlike the previous versions of the reader, if one chooses to install the reader as plugins the main ParaView sources no longer have to be patched. Thus in general installing as plugins is recommended.

On the other hand, installing as a builtin reader is meant for Linux package maintainers who intend to distribute their own versions of ParaView sources and binaries.

4.1 Prerequisites

  • CMake 2.6 or later is required.
  • The reader has absolutely no dependence on any of the OpenFOAM libraries (which is why the reader is called native). However the reader can be installed somewhat easier as plugins if installed with ParaView 3.6.1 that comes with the ThirdParty package of OpenFOAM 1.6.
  • When configuring the reader with CMake, a system POSIX regex (regular expression) library is searched for and the reader uses the library if found in order to support the new regex'ed dictionary keyword syntax in OpenFOAM 1.6. If one is not found but the reader is built with Visual Studio 2008 SP1 or later, the regex library in STL TR1 extension that comes with Visual Studio 2008 SP1 or later is used instead. If none were found, the regex library included in VTK is used as the final fallback option. This is because at least a pattern in the extended regular expression (ERE) is known not supported by the VTK regex library. Hence on Windows, building the reader with Visual Studio 2008 SP1 or later is strongly recommended.

4.2 Install as plugins (Linux and OS X)

4.2.1 Building and installing ParaView with parallelization support

If you only want to read decomposed cases in serial, the reader works without parallelization support of the main ParaView build. However you would naturally want to turn it on for making full use of the capability of the reader. In order for ParaView to work in parallel, one has to do a full build, installation and setup of ParaView. See

for full instructions. When configuring with CMake, at least the following variables should be set:


. After installation, do not remove the ParaView build directory but keep it since it is required in building the plugins afterwards.

Alternatively, a parallelized ParaView-3.6.1 can be built using the OpenFOAM ThirdParty-1.6 source package (ThirdParty-1.6.General.gtgz) by issuing the following commands under OpenFOAM environment:

mv $ParaView_DIR ${ParaView_DIR}.orig
./makeParaView -mpi

4.2.2 Building and installing the plugins

The BSDed and GPLed plugins can be installed at once. Create a build directory of the plugins and point CMake to the top directory of the reader source tree (the directory where the README file is in).

mkdir <the plugin build directory>
cd <the plugin build directory>
ccmake <the top directory of the reader source tree>

Then set

CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = <one of the local plugin directories of the ParaView installation>
CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES = <the value used for the main ParaView build>
ParaView_DIR = <the directory where ParaView was built>

where CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES is only required under OS X. If one is unsure about where to install the plugins, the plugin directories can be checked by launching ParaView and choosing the Tools -> Manage Plugins/Extensions... menu. There one will see "Local plugins are automatically searched for in..." followed by a list of directories. Alternatively, if the plugins are being built within OpenFOAM environment in conjunction with the ThirdParty-1.6 ParaView, all of these variables are set automatically as default values.

Then build and install the plugins.

make install

By these steps the reader and the UI plugins (libPOpenFOAMReaderPlugin and libPOpenFOAMPanelPlugin) are installed to a local plugin directory.

[!!IMPORTANT!!] ParaView may have different remote plugin directories than the local plugin directories when in client/server mode. In such cases the installed BSDed plugin (libPOpenFOAMReaderPlugin) under the local plugin directory must be manually copied (or symbolic linked) by hand to one of the remote plugin directories. To check remote plugin directories, start ParaView in client/server configuration and choose Tools -> Manage Plugins/Extensions... . Attempting to read OpenFOAM cases in client/server mode without the plugin loaded as a remote plugin will crash ParaView.

4.2.3 Building and installing only the BSDed plugin

If one would not like the GPLed plugin to be installed, point CMake to the BSD/ subdirectory of the reader source tree when configuring the plugin with CMake. The remaining steps are identical to the previous section.

4.3 Install as plugins (Windows)

The overall installation steps are identical to those for Linux and OS X except that one would probably use cmake-gui instead of ccmake and Visual Studio IDE (open Project.sln under the plugin build directory, set Configuration to Release and build ALL_BUILD followed by INSTALL) instead of make. The reader has been only tested with Visual Studio, and as written in the Prerequisites section, Visual Studio 2008 SP1 or later is strongly recommended. Building under MinGW has not been tested.

4.4 Install as a builtin reader

Follow the "Install by patching the ParaView sources" section of each INSTALL file under the BSD/ and GPL/ subdirectories. After that, build ParaView as usual.

5 Usage

In order to open OpenFOAM case, either

  • create an empty stub file <caseName>.foam right under the case directory, where <caseName> is an arbitrary string other than those that starts with "controlDict," and open <caseName>.foam or
  • create a symbolic link from controlDict to controlDict.foam and open controlDict.foam.

There is also a script for user convenience that works like paraFoam, called pvFoam, under the BSD/ subdirectory. The script creates the stub file and launches ParaView in background. For available options, run

pvFoam -help

in a terminal.

For general operations of the reader, see readerPanel.pdf.

6 Notes (general)

  1. Dictionary syntax ~OpenFOAM expands only to $HOME/.OpenFOAM where $HOME is the home directory of the user.
  2. The #remove dictionary directive is not supported.
  3. The builtin cell-to-point filter works like a Cell Data to Point Data filter in ParaView in that it just takes the average of cell values connected to a point. The difference is that the builtin filter takes boundary patch values into account. The filter is faster but less accurate than the volPoint interpolator in paraFoam, which further does inverse distance weighting of cell values. The cell-to-point filter is still computationally demanding thus can be turned off by unchecking "Create cell-to-point filtered data" on the reader panel.
  4. In order to create slices with volField data one may have to extract internal mesh or turn off reading patches in the reader panel before running the Slice filter, otherwise the sliced data may be garbled.
  5. When the List timesteps according to controlDict checkbox is turned on, the reader lists time instances according to descriptions in controlDict when (adjustTimeStep, writeControl) == (yes, adjustableRunTime) or (no, timeStep) (i. e. writing interval is supposed to be constant in simulated time), or otherwise, lists all valid time directories.
  6. The reader lists field names according to the "object" entry in FoamFile header, whereas paraFoam lists according to the file name of the object. Hence a valid FoamFile header is required for every object.
  7. Reading cellZones for polyhedral mesh with the Read Zones feature may cause ParaView to thrash.
  8. The reader only takes the "value" and "uniformValue" entries into account for boundary fields. If none of the entries exists, the corresponding patch-internal field values are used (i. e. equivalent to zeroGradient b. c.).
  9. When watching running case, one may occasionally see reader errors due to race conditions where the reader reads up until the end of file while the file is being written. Although the developer has put much effort in avoiding crashes in such cases, there may still be ones. Doing important tasks while watching case is thus not recommended.
  10. Multi-region case is detected by existence of mesh files under subdirectories found in first two time directories. If a case is determined to be a multi-region case, the selection of internalMesh of the default region in the reader panel is turned off by default.
  11. The variable expansion follows the original OpenFOAM 1.6 behavior in that variables match regex'ed keywords, whereas they do not in 1.6.x.

7 Notes (Parallel-specific)

  1. The Case Type selection combo box determines whether the case to be read is a reconstructed case (a serial case) or a decomposed case (a case decomposed into processorX/ subdirectories). The reader can read decomposed cases even when ParaView is run in builtin server (serial) mode. If ParaView is running in client/server mode and the servers (pvservers) are running in parallel, the decomposed mesh regions are read in parallel.
  2. The number of decomposed mesh regions and the number of pvserver processes do not have to be identical, with a known exception of the note 6 below. Processor subdirectories are detected by server process 0, and each processorX/ subdirectory is assigned to a server process in an interleaved way. For example, if one has 5 processor subdirectories and running 2 pvservers, the pvserver process 0 reads processor0/, processor2/ and processor4/ subdirectories while pvserver process 1 reads procssor1/ and processor3/ subdirectories. Which process owns which decomposed regions can be checked by Filters -> Process Id Scalars.
  3. Timesteps are taken from a first processor subdirectory (typically processor0/) by server process 0 and broadcasted to other processes.
  4. In client/server mode, reconstructed case is loaded by pvserver process 0. Merge Blocks -> D3 can be used in order to distribute the data. NB: Merge Blocks is still required nevertheless ParaView 3.6.1 and on D3 can be applied to multiblock data, due to an incompatibility with D3 of the reader which causes D3 to deadlock. The developer is working on resolving the issue.
  5. The reader does nothing about adding ghost cells. Hence one has to see processor boundaries when the geometry is represented in Wireframe or Surface. This could be especially problematic if one wants to extract surfaces. In order to remove internal processor boundaries from the output of the Extract Surface filter, run Merge Blocks -> D3 -> Extract Surface. Similarly, when the reader is run in serial or in builtin mode, the Clean to Grid filter can be used in order to remove internal processor boundaries.
  6. In order to run Stream Tracer when in parallel, a pvserver process should be assigned to each decomposed mesh region, since the tracer can handle inter-server process boundaries but cannot for processor mesh region boundaries. For example if a case has four decomposed regions, four pvserver processes should be used. On the other hand, when in serial Clean to Grid can be used in order to remove the region boundaries as noted in 5. If none of the two applies, the streamlines will stop at appended region boundaries.
  7. The reader does not output processor boundary patches of decomposed regions. In order to see the processor patches, each processorX/ subdirectory has to be opened as a separate case.

8 Miscellaneous

  • The parallel extension part is quite a straightforward implementation of what are written in the Section 21.3 of The ParaView Guide.
  • In my testing I get typically 2.3x - 2.5x speedups in mesh loading time by 4 process parallel execution. However everything is not so rosy especially in that I often get slower rendering times by parallel executions. As no one but the developer being quite new to parallel visualization, the developer is interested in your findings. You are welcomed to post them to the forum.
  • The reader was once checked in as a part of ParaView but reverted due to too many errors by older compilers. The author is trying hard to resolve the isssue.



Development version:

  • Subversion repository can be accessed by
    svn co
    NB: There can always be bugs, errors and crashes.

Technical documentation:

Past versions:

10 Feedbacks

If you found bugs or have comments, post to the native reader thread.

11 History

7islands 09:55, 20 September 2009 (UTC): Released 20090920. Changes from the 20081005 version are

  • Added support for extended dictionary syntaxes of OpenFOAM 1.6, notably the regex'ed dictionary keywords.
  • The reader now compiles with a drastically wider range of compilers. The tested compilers include many GCC versions from 3.3.2 to 4.4.1 (including Apple's compilers under 64bit mode), Intel Compiler 11/11.1, Sun Studio 12/12.1, Open64 4.2.1/4.2.2, Visual Studio
  • Added "watching a running case" functionality (which in fact has long been implemented in the svn-versions).
  • Better detection and handling of multi region cases. The reader now can read chtMultiRegionFoam/multiRegionHeater case. Note that one will still get an error about missing "uniform" keywords in buoyantPressure BC sections of the field files when reading the case as is. In order to eliminate the error, either add the uniform keyword to or remove entirely the value entries of the buoyantPressure sections of the field files and cahgeDictionaryDicts under the system subdirectory.
  • Added support for single precision binary format.
  • Improved performance in reading files in double precision binary format.
  • Improved installation steps.
  • Rewritten pvFoam script.
  • Changed the license of some more files to the BSDL.
  • Workaround for a locale problem in string-to-floating conversion under Qt 4.5/Linux.
  • Fixed many bugs, including crashes (thanks to all the reporters).
  • Other features that I don't remember.

7islands 06:10, 23 March 2009 (CET) (Takuya OSHIMA): Added a win32 binary package release.

7islands 06:13, 5 October 2008 (CEST) (Takuya OSHIMA): Released 20081005. Notable changes from the 20080831 snapshot are

  • Unified application interfaces of the serial/parallel readers. Both can be accessed by opening a .foam file. Subsequently, readers.xml no longer have to be patched -- which makes tracking the CVS head of ParaView easier.
  • Fixed several bugs, notably deadlocks.
  • Added lagrangian labelField support, casePath addition to output.
  • Added feature to change case without reinstanciating another reader.

7islands 06:57, 31 August 2008 (CEST) (Takuya OSHIMA): moved to Contrib section. Initial upload of the parallelized version.

7islands 02:58, 28 April 2008 (CEST) (Takuya OSHIMA): update for the 20080324 version.

7islands 09:18, 29 Dec 2007 (CET): some addenda.

7islands 04:36, 16 Dec 2007 (CET) (Takuya OSHIMA): Created this page.