Contrib multiSolver/glossary

From OpenFOAMWiki

globalTime - the total simulation time elapsed. Since each solver has an independent localTime, the globalTime is used to universally sort them.

localTime - the simulation time seen by a single solver within a single superLoop. localTime is independent between solvers and between superLoops.

multiControlDict - the multiSolver analogue of controlDict. This (mandatory) dictionary does not conform to the standard multiDict format as there are many additional settings for the multiSolver itself.

multiDict - a dictionary format specific to multiSolver that allows it to generate a different dictionary for each solverDomain.

solverDomain - one of the solvers employed by multiSolver.

solverDomainName - the name assigned to a solverDomain.

superLoop - one full cycle through all solvers.

superLoopIndex - the number of full cycles through all the solvers that have been achieved.

superSolver - an application that employs two or more solvers within a superLoop.