Installation/Outdated/Howto compile OpenFOAM

From OpenFOAMWiki

This document describes howto compile OpenFOAM on Unix from the source code provided by the nice folks at OpenCFD.

This document also describes howto download and compile some of the tools needed for compiling OpenFOAM.

The process described in this document is based on the OpenFOAM README file, Section "4. Building from Sources (Optional)", but with more details.

The information presented here has been tested and validated by the author while compiling OpenFOAM 1.3, under SuSE 9.1 x86_64, RedHat/Centos 4 and Debian/Knoppix 5.0. Depending on your OS and OS version, your milleage may vary...

This is work in progress; please dont hesitate to complement the information presented here.

1 Compiling and installing Gcc

2 Installing the Java JSDK

3 Installing the OpenFOAM source code

4 Compiling and installing cmake

5 Compiling and installing paraView

6 Partial installation of GNU binutils

7 Compiling OpenFOAM

Valid versions: OF version 13.png

--MB 05:16, 10 Apr 2006 (CEST)