1 General
- Of course there's always the official OpenFOAM-website:
- The OpenFOAM-extend project at Sourceforge:
2 Workshops, conferences etc
- The website of the OpenFOAM-Workshop (links to the current event) Archive of former workshops
- Open Source CFD International Conferences (archived at
3 Training material / Tutorials
- Old wiki with trainings material by Hrvoje Jasak (archived at
- OpenFOAM Workshop 2006 site, containing presentations and some training material from the first OpenFOAM Workshop at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- All other workshop websites are maintained at the section Material from the OpenFOAM-Workshops @ Handy links wiki page.
4 Papers etc
- The old FoamCFD website contain's some papers and PhD-thesis that explain some of the foundations of OpenFOAM (archived at
5 Foam Developers
- Hrvoje Jasak's Homepage (archived at
6 OpenFOAM Wikis/Sites in other languages
- OpenFOAM Wiki in Japanese (registered access only)
- A German OpenFOAM-Wiki at the University of Rostock (archived at
- Mavimo's website (an italian site) contanining presentations and some training material (archived at
- Notes in CFD is a Brazilian blog (in portuguese) with general CFD contents and OpenFOAM tips (installation, use, and programming)
- OS-CFD Russian site about OpenSource CFD software (mainly, OpenFOAM and SALOME) (archived at
- OpenFOAM research A Chinese blog for OpenFOAM (solver description,usage, programming, etc)
7 In the News
Articles about OpenFOAM
- Computerwoche (a german publication) about OpenFOAM going OpenSource (archived at
- Pro-Linux (another german site) about OpenFOAM going OpenSource
- ZdNet (it's in English!!) about OpenFOAM going OpenSource
- CNet about OpenFOAM going OpenSource (again!)
- A french interview with Henry Weller
- NewZ a danish site about ..... Sorry. I don't understand danish (archived at