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Revision as of 14:39, 31 August 2012 by Fcollonv (Talk | contribs)

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1 Name

mergeOrSplitBaffles - Detects faces that share points (baffles). Either merge them or duplicate the points.

Valid versions: OF Version 21.png

2 Synopsis

mergeOrSplitBaffles [OPTIONS]

3 Description

Detects faces that share points (baffles). Either merge them or duplicate the points.


Find baffles only, but do not merge or split them


Topologically split duplicate surfaces


Overwrite the existing mesh files


Run the utility in parallel

-roots "(DIR1 [...DIRN])"

Directories through which the data are distributed

-region NAME

Specify a mesh region by its NAME

-case DIR

Execute the command on the case directory DIR. If not provided, use the current directory


Skip the execution of the functionObjects


Display the help and exit

This utility is used in the following tutorials:

  • incompressible/pimpleDyMFoam/propeller