If you want to add a new news-item enter the title of the news item below. It will then be added as a subpage of News. If a news-item with the same title already exists you will be asked to edit this page. Therefore try to make the title of the news unique (for instance instead of "Middleearth User Group Meeting" write "Middleearth User Group Meeting 5" or "Middleearth User Group Meeting - Spring 2014").
In the form that comes up enter a one or two sentence summary of the news-item. This will appear on the title page and is limited in size so make sure that it gives a good summary that will interest people. The long text can be as long as you want to. It will be visible when the full news-item is viewed. The date of the news-item is used to sort the list of news. Usually this will be todays date or a few days in the last (for a release for instance)
For the manual markup of news-items see this article
- 1 List of old News-items
- 1.1 5th OpenFOAM Workshop
- 1.2 OpenSource CFD Conference 2010
- 1.3 WikiNews Added dynamic content to the front page
- 1.4 Release 1.7 of OpenFOAM
- 1.5 First Meeting of the Local User Group Austria
- 1.6 Release 1.7.1 of OpenFOAM
- 1.7 Second Mid Atlantic User Group Meeting
- 1.8 2n OpenFOAM® Training Brazil
- 1.9 6th OpenFOAM Workshop
- 1.10 EMail confirmation required for Editing
1 List of old News-items
This only lists the last 10 News-items
1.1 5th OpenFOAM Workshop
21 June,2010 to 24 June,2010 at Chalmers university in Göteborg, Sweden
1.2 OpenSource CFD Conference 2010
4 November, 2010 to 5 November, 2010 in Munich, Germany, More information at http://www.opensourcecfd.com/conference2010/
Venue: Eurostars Grand Central, Munich, Germany
This year’s Open Source CFD International Conference will build upon the considerable interest and success of those who are using, programming and deploying open source CFD solutions.
OSCIC invites authors to submit abstracts of 300-500 words, including title and author contact information and affiliation.
Abstracts are invited for a broad range of topics and should aim to highlight validated methods and breakthrough technologies. Works should demonstrate how adoption of open source CFD software is moving CAE process and business forward.
The following types of participation are all available at the event: - Written paper - Oral (slides) presentation - Poster presentation
The paper submission deadline was extended to 16th July 2010 and a submission form is provided at http://www.opensourcecfd.com/conference2010/
1.3 WikiNews Added dynamic content to the front page
The front page now has dynamic content that changes automagically
--Bgschaid 11:55, 16 May 2010 (UTC)1.4 Release 1.7 of OpenFOAM
OpenCFD released version 1.7 of OpenFOAM. In addition to the usual source-packages binary packages for Debian/Ubuntu were released and can be downloaded here
For details see the release notes
1.5 First Meeting of the Local User Group Austria
The first meeting of the Austrian User Group will take place at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) on September 10, 2010. Start will be at 10:00, we meet at the "Kontaktraum" (TU Wien, Neues EI - 6. Stock, Gußhausstraße 5, 1040 Wien).
For details see Local_User_Groups_/_Local_User_Group_Austria
1.6 Release 1.7.1 of OpenFOAM
One month after the main release, OpenCFD ships a minor update of OpenFOAM to version 1.7.1. This release fixes problems compiling OpenFOAM with gcc-4.5.0, which is the default system compiler eg. for Suse Linux 11.3.
For details and download see the release notes.
--Akidess 14:39, 27 August 2010 (CEST)1.7 Second Mid Atlantic User Group Meeting
23 October, 2010 to 23 October, 2010 in Ann Arbor, MI, USA, More information here
1.8 2n OpenFOAM® Training Brazil
03 December, 2010 to 03 December, 2010 in Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil, More information here
1.9 6th OpenFOAM Workshop
13 June,2011 to 16 June,2011 at Penn State University,USA, More information here
1.10 EMail confirmation required for Editing
Adding a Captcha to the editing dialog didn't solve the spam problem. As an additional measure it is now required that a user has a confirmed EMail-address to allow editing of pages. If your EMail is not yet confirmed the Wiki you will be asked o do so before further editing. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Should you experience problems (no mails arriving etc) please contact me through the Message Board (preferably this thread)
--Bgschaid 14:59, 17 March 2011 (CET)