Sig Phase Change

From OpenFOAMWiki

The Special Interest Group on Phase Change was initiated at the 10th OpenFOAM Workshop in Ann Arbor. This article has the objective of documenting both theoretical aspects and OpenFOAM implementations of phase change models. Please feel free to contribute.

1 Special Interest Group on Phase Change in OpenFOAM

No other community discussing this specific topic has been found yet.

2 Guidelines

No guidelines regarding neither modelling nor implementation have been established yet.

3 Literature

List of principal books and papers on numerical modelling of phase change.

4 List of known solvers

4.1 solidificationMeltingSource

  • Objective: Melting and solidification of ice and water
  • Method: fvOption source term
  • Available in: OF2.3.x, OF2.4.x

5 Work space for Tutorials

Please provide some additional tutorials along with some description in order to give a first help for new FOAMers!

6 Work space for Reports and Validation

6.1 Validation cases from the scientific literature

6.2 Software design of the validation suite

6.3 SourceForge validation database

7 Current projects

  • Interact with Sig Multiphase
  • Document models already implemented in OpenFoam
  • Expand the database