Sig Turbomachinery / Validation test cases
From OpenFOAMWiki
Here you can add links to suitable validation cases for OpenFOAM in turbomachines. You can also add links to full OpenFOAM cases. We are currently looking for a repository to store large test cases.
1 Validation cases
- Francis-99 Workshop on high-head Francis turbines
- Turbine-99 Workshop on draft tube flow
- ERCOFTAC centrifugal pump
- Test-cases for interface tracking methods (Test case number 30: Unsteady cavitation in a Venturi type section)
- The DARPA HIREP (High Reynolds Number Pump) axial flow pump
1.1 Full OpenFOAM validation test cases
- ERCOFTAC conical diffuser
- ERCOFTAC centrifugal pump with a vaned diffuser
- Timisoara Swirl Generator
- Single Channel Pump
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