Talk:Tut reactingFoam firstTutorial

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Revision as of 10:31, 16 December 2009 by Aortwein (Talk | contribs)

1 adaption to OpenFOAM-1.6

It is possible to use the tutorial in OpenFOAM-1.6 with some minor changes. I will try to make a list soon, starting here:

  • a "g"-file is needed in the /constant directory, which can be used from the new aachenBomb-tutorial

--Aortwein 14:06, 4 December 2009 (UTC)

2 older question

Thanks for the tutorial, however, I am getting the following error in the third time step, and have not been able to find the problem:

--> FOAM FATAL ERROR : attempt to use janafThermo<equationOfState> out of temperature range 200 -> 5000; T = 5000.92#0

Any suggestions or a fix would be very appreciated. Thanks again. ~E

  • a possibility could be to change the oxygen in the lowerInlet (in the the 0/O2 file) from 1.0 to (say) 0.9 or less and the nitrogen in the lowerInlet ( 0/N2) from 0.0 to 0.1 to cool down the reaction
  • note: my suggestion is not validated, since I did not have that problem yet, but the problem is also discussed here: at --Aortwein 15:29, 4 December 2009 (UTC)
  • addition: with another mesh, I got that error after a while, too. After converting the files wia foamToVTK and watching the results until the error, it looked as if a hot spot occured in a region, where it shouldn't (near the exit). That hot spot occured, after the unburnt C7H16 reached the exit. After checking the reaction in the input file, it looks as if oxygen in the inlets should be a lot higher as suggested in the tutorial case (you need 11 oxygen molecules to completely burn one C7H16 molecule). --Aortwein 10:31, 16 December 2009 (UTC)