IHFOAM is a set of solvers and boundary conditions to generate and absorb water waves actively at the boundaries and to simulate their interaction with porous coastal structures.
The main scope of these modelling tools is coastal, marine, hydraulic and offshore engineering.
1 IHFOAM Overview
The IHFOAM package includes:
- Individual boundary conditions for wave generation and active wave absorption for alpha1 and U fields. (libIHwaveGeneration.so)
- IH_Waves_InletAlpha
- IH_Waves_InletVelocity
- Boundary conditions for pure wave absorption applicable to U field. Based on 2D or 3D theories, both are applicable to 3D cases. (libIHwaveAbsorption.so)
- IH_3D_3DAbsorption_InletVelocity
- IH_3D_2DAbsorption_InletVelocity
- Solvers to be used with your favourite version of OpenFOAM or FOAM-extend. See compatibility below.
- ihFoam
- ihDyMFoam
- Brief reference manual
- Tutorials and validation cases
1.1 About IHFOAM solvers
IHFOAM includes
1.2 Supported Versions
Known issues:
- the boundary conditions compile and work.
- The regular version of interFoam needs to include "-linterfaceProperties" to compile.
- IHFOAM solver compiles and works. Although the BCs are included, apparently they are not linked, as they are not recognized.
- If the boundary conditions are included dynamically in controlDict and used with IHFOAM, turbulence modelling does not work.
- the boundary conditions compile and work.
- No IHFOAM solver is included, as we are experiencing severe problems with pressure calculations (not linked in any way to IHFOAM implementation) in this version. We are preparing an extensive bug report for the OpenFOAM developers. In the mean time we suggest you stay with prior OpenFOAM versions.
- Should you want to use wave generation and absorption, see below how to link the boundary conditions dynamically in controlDict.
1.3 Ongoing Development
- The current version is 2.0, as released in 15th July 2014.
- Bug fixes will be issued on a regular basis, while the development of version 3.0 is currently ongoing.
- The new version will include major changes in the structure of the boundary conditions, which will not affect the use.
Future releases will include:
- Volume-averaged turbulence models, as seen in the third paper.
- Current generation (already pre-implemented but not referenced, as it needs further work and validation).
- Wave theories implemented as classes, gathered by an autoPtr.
Future releases may include:
- Custom IHdynamicRefineFvMesh to enable dynamic mesh refinement on snappyHexMesh-generated meshes, as seen in the fourth paper.
- Custom boundary condition to generate waves using moving boundaries, as presented in OFW9.
1.4 References and Citing
IHFOAM is a product developed in the frame of a Master and PhD Thesis at the Environmental Hydraulics Institute "IH Cantabria" of the University of Cantabria. The implementation and validation details are published in the following references:
Realistic wave generation and active wave absorption for Navier-Stokes models: Application to OpenFOAM. Higuera, P., Lara, J.L. and Losada, I.J. (2013) Coastal Engineering, Vol. 71, pp. 102-118.
Simulating coastal engineering processes with OpenFOAM. Higuera, P., Lara, J.L. and Losada, I.J. (2013) Coastal Engineering, Vol. 71, pp. 119-134.
Three-dimensional interaction of waves and porous coastal structures using OpenFOAM. Part I: Formulation and validation. Higuera, P., Lara, J.L. and Losada, I.J. (2014) Coastal Engineering, Vol. 83, pp. 243-258
Three-dimensional interaction of waves and porous coastal structures using OpenFOAM. Part II: Application. Higuera, P., Lara, J.L. and Losada, I.J. (2014) Coastal Engineering, Vol. 83, pp. 243-258
2 Downloads and Compilation
IHFOAM download site can be found here.
2.1 Source Code Download
You can find IHFOAM in GitHub
To download the source code run the following command:
git clone git://github.com/phicau/IHFOAM.git
Code updates can be downloaded in the future as follows:
git checkout git pull
2.2 Source Code Structure
IHFOAM source code is divided in two main folders:
- genAbs --> Generation and absorption boundary conditions
- waveAbsorption --> (BC)
- waveGeneration --> (BC)
- common --> Scripts shared by both BCs
- solvers --> Guess what's inside...
- ihFoamXXXXX --> One for each compatible version, including ihFoam and ihDyMFoam
2.3 Compilation
Compilation has been automatized. Since IHFOAM does not need any dependencies, the source code can be downloaded and compiled anywhere.
- First compile the boundary conditions:
cd genAbs ./allMake
The script will figure out which version of OpenFOAM or FOAM-extend you are running and set a convenient preprocessor statement to adjust the code automatically to each flavour/version.
- Second compile the solvers: ihFoam and ihDyMFoam
cd solvers/ihFoamXXXXX ./allMake
Where XXXXX denotes your flavour (OpenFOAM - OF, FOAM-extend - FE) and your version. The currently supported versions have already been shown.
2.4 Dynamic Linking of the Boundary Conditions
In order to include the wave generation and active wave absorption boundary conditions without needing to re-compile a solver, write the following code in controlDict:
libs ( "libIHwaveGeneration.so" "libIHwaveAbsorption.so" );
2.5 Dummy
inlet { type IH_Waves_InletAlpha; waveDictName IHWavesDict; value uniform 0; }
inlet { type IH_Waves_InletVelocity; waveDictName IHWavesDict; value uniform (0 0 0); }