Two Dimensional Rising Bubble Benchmark (two cases)

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1 The benchmark of Hysing et. al


todo: picture with boundary condition todo: table with material proberties

Hysing et. al published 2009 a pure numerical benchmark with two test cases for a 2D rising bubble. The reference data can be downloaded here [1].

2 References

Hysing, S.; Turek, S.; Kuzmin, D.; Parolini, N.; Burman, E.; Ganesan, S.; Tobiska, L.: Quantitative benchmark computations of two-dimensional bubble dynamics, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Volume 60 Issue 11, Pages 1259-1288, DOI: 10.1002/fld.1934, 2009, [2]

Klostermann, J.; Schaake, K.; Schwarze, R.: Numerical simulation of a single rising bubble by VOF with surface compression, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Article first published online: 16 JUL 2012, DOI: 10.1002/fld.3692 [3]