From OpenFOAMWiki
1 Name
modifyMesh - Manipulates mesh elements.
2 Synopsis
modifyMesh [OPTIONS]
3 Description
Modify the mesh according the parameters specified in system/modifyMeshDict. The example shipped with the source code (in $FOAM_UTILITIES/mesh/advanced/modifyMesh/modifyMeshDict) is reproduced below.
The modification that can be done are:
- Move points of boundaries
- Split edges of boundaries
- Triangulate faces of boundaries
- Collapse edges
- Split cells
- Repatch faces
- Create cell
- Overwrite the existing mesh files
- Run the utility in parallel
-roots "(DIR1 [...DIRN])"
- Directories through which the data are distributed
-case DIR
- Execute the command on the case directory DIR. If not provided, use the current directory
- Skip the execution of the functionObjects
- Display the help and exit
4 modifyMeshDict description
FoamFile { version 2.0; format ascii; class dictionary; object modifyMeshDict; } // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * // // Move points: // Every entry is two coordinates. First one is location of the point to move, // the second is the position to move to. pointsToMove ( (( -0.17861 -0.45073 0.75276)( -0.18 -0.45073 0.75276)) ); // Split edge in two: // First coord is a point on the edge to cut, second is the position of the // newly introduced point edgesToSplit ( (( -0.17692 -0.45312 0.74516)( -0.18 -0.45 0.742)) ); // Triangulate a face: // First coord is a point on the face to triangulate. It will introduce a // point on the face, triangulate and move the point to the second coordinate. facesToTriangulate ( (( -0.039123 -0.45045 0.74083) (-0.03844 -0.45049 0.73572)) ); // Edges to collapse. First coord is point on the edge, second is coordinate // to collapse to. edgesToCollapse ( ((0.054975 0.099987 0.0044074)(0.054975 0.099987 0.0044074)) ); // Split cells: // First coord is a point inside the cell to split. A point inside the cell will // be introduced and the cell will get decomposed into polygonal base pyramids // with this new point as top. (so the original faces will not get split) cellsToSplit ( (( -0.039123 -0.45045 0.74083) (-0.03844 -0.45049 0.73572)) ); // Change patch: // Changes patchID of faces. Coord selects the face, label is the patch index. facesToRepatch ( (( -0.039123 -0.45045 0.74083) 1) ); //// Create cell: //// Creates a cell on the boundary given a face covering a cavity. Gets //// the vertices of the face (outwards pointing normal) and a point internal //// to the new cell. (used to check the orientation of the face). Walks all //// boundary faces reachable from any edge on the face and constructs cell //// from it. //cellsToCreate //( // ( // ((0 0 0) (1 0 0) (1 1 0) (0 1 0)) // vertices of face // (0.5 0.5 0.1) // cell centre // ) //); // ************************************************************************* //