Local User Groups / Local User Group Germany

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Revision as of 13:59, 18 November 2009 by Ivanab (Talk | contribs)

1 ANNOUNCEMENT OF Special Interest Group Multiphase Flow, South Germany

Dear Southbound Foamers interested in Multiphase Flow,

As announced by Ivana, the next Stammtisch takes place at the 5. of November. We felt that the Multiphase Special Interest Group was a little overcrowded and hence not very effective. We would now like to overcome this by "imposing" some structure in form of an agenda. Of course, everybody is welcome to participate and contribute.

  1. Introduction of the new concept of the Special Interest Group Multiphase Flow (15 min)
    1. Responsibilities:
      1. Free Surface Flow
      2. Two-Fluid-Method
      3. Particle based methods
    2. Wiki
  2. Technical work: (90 min)
    1. Testcases: what needs to be validated? Phenomenology versus Numerics? Who is interested? What validation basis is available right now? Which testcases are already on the harddisks
    2. To be added
  3. Questions/Troubleshooting (30 min)
  4. Feedback (5 min)

This is only a preliminary agenda, and we would like you, the group, to add more topics we can talk about. Let's see whether it flies!

So please contribute!

email@: kissling[at]imvt.uni-stuttgart.de ______________________________________________________________________________________________


The fifth meeting of the OpenFOAM-"Stammtisch" in southern Germany will take place in Stuttgart:

05.11.2009, 10:00
University of Stuttgart, Campus Vaihingen
HLRS, Seminar room
Allmandring 30, 70569 Stuttgart

If you are going to attend, please register at http://www.ihs.uni-stuttgart.de .

If you would like to give a presentation, please send an email at buntic[at]ihs.uni-stuttgart.de.

Agenda is now available at http://www.ihs.uni-stuttgart.de.

Travel information: http://www.hlrs.de/organization/address/maps-directions/

Best regards,

Ivana Buntic-Ogor


The second meeting of the OpenFOAM-"Stammtisch" in northern Germany will take place in Rostock:

July, 2th, 2009, 2:00 p.m.
University of Rostock, Department of Technical Thermodynamics

The date is flexible. We can change it, according to the availability of the attending people.

If you are interested and plan to attend, please send me a mail.

Best regards

Johann Turnow


Dear southbound FOAMers,

Presentations and protocol of the 5th OpenFOAM Stammtisch in Stuttgart on 5.11.2009 are now available at

Best regards


Dear southbound FOAMers,

here you can find the protocol of the 4th OpenFOAM Stammtisch in Mosbach on July 17th.

A Year In Review, Henrik Rusche
Presentation of CastNet, Ulrich Heck

Best regards


Dear southbound FOAMers,

after a bit of a wait, a zipped file containing the protocol and presentation slides of the 3rd OpenFOAM Stammtisch in Munich is ready for download. Please grab it from:


It will be there for approx 2 weeks and then disappear.

best regards


Protokoll, 2. OpenFOAM Stammtisch 'Deutschland Mitte' vom 2.11.2009, 14:00-18:00

Ort: Technische Universität Braunschweig Instituts für Thermodynamik Hans-Sommer-Str. 5 38106 Braunschweig

Teilnehmer: 28
von Unis (Berlin, Hamburg, Braunschweig, Münster, Bremen, Clausthal)
und aus der Industrie (Volkswagen, Germanischer Lloyd, GNS Systems, FutureShip, TLK-Thermo, Icon, Semcon)


  • Begrüßung (Rusche, Bunge) und Vorstellung aller Teilnehmer
  • Vorträge
    • Vorstellung IfT und TLK (Tegethoff, TUBS)
    • Aerodynamische Optimierung eines Autos mit OpenFOAM (Bunge, Semcon)
    • Dynamic Mesh Handling in OpenFOAM (Rusche, Wikki)
    • Schiffshydrodynamik mit OpenFOAM (Schmode, Germanischer Lloyd)
    • Experimental-numerical comparison with interDyMFoam (Klatte, ZARM)
    • Validierung des kOmegaSST_lowRe Modells für Kanalströmungen (Wenterodt, TUHH)
  • Was ist Bof? Gruppenbildung für bof sessions (Rusche)
  • Pause mit Kaffee und Kuchen, Informationsaustausch.
  • bof-sessions mit anschließender Vorstellung und Diskussion der Ergebnisse
  • Diskussion über Form und Termin für nächste Veranstaltung.
nächster Termin: Berlin, Beuth Hochschule, Februar 2010
in Zukunft bevorzugt an Universitäten, ca. alle 3 Monate
Dauer: 1/2 Tag ( 4 bis 5 h), Abendveranstaltungen, 'Wochenrandtage' bevorzugen
Form: kurze Vorträge (max 15 Minuten), ~40% der Zeit
bof-sessions, spontan oder vorab organisiert, ~40% der Zeit
Pausen/Informationsaustausch/Gespräche: ~20% der Zeit
  • Abendveranstaltung

Bei Fragen und Anregungen: Henrik Rusche [h.rusche@wikki-gmbh.de], Ulf Bunge [ulf.bunge@semcon.com]

corresponding announcement, cf. below

The second meeting of the OpenFOAM-User Group ("Stammtisch") in central Germany will take place in Braunschweig:

03.11.2009, 14:00 - 18.00
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Instituts für Thermodynamik
Achtung Raumänderung: jetzt Hörsaal HS5.1 im 2. Stock
Hans-Sommer-Str. 5
38106 Braunschweig


  1. Begrüßung und Vorstellungsrunde (30 min)
  2. Vorträge (75 min, 15 Minuten je Vortrag)
    1. Vorstellung IfT und TLK (Tegethoff, TUBS)
    2. Bericht vom OpenFOAM Workshop in Montreal (Rusche, Wikki)
    3. Aerodynamische Optimierung eines Autos mit OpenFOAM (Bunge, Semcon)
    4. Schiffshydrodynamik mit OpenFOAM (Schmode, Germanischer Lloyd)
    5. Experimental-numerical comparison with interDyMFoam (Klatte, ZARM)
  3. Was ist Bof und Gruppenbildung (20 min)
  4. Pause (15 min)
  5. Bof Arbeitsgruppen (70 min)
  6. Vorträge der Arbeitsgruppen (20 min) - DO NOT FORGET YOUR LAPTOPS!
  7. Diskussion des Formats, Nächster Termin und Ort (15 min)

For a pleasant evening with food and beer, we reserved a table at Charlie's Tiger which is a few steps away from the institute.

If you are going to attend, please send an eMail ideally before the 30.10 to

w.tegethoff[at]tu-braunschweig.de OR h.rusche[at]wikki-gmbh.de

Travel information: Stadtplan Homepage

This event has been mapped out at the kick-off meeting organised by Ulf Bunge at Semcon GmbH on 21.8 in Wolfsburg.

Best regards,

Henrik Rusche & Wilhelm Tegethoff


The fourth meeting of the OpenFOAM-"Stammtisch" in southern Germany will take place in Mosbach:

July, 17th, 2009, 10:00 a.m.
Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Mosbach

If you are interested and plan to attend, please drop me a mail.

If you want to give a presentation, please let me know.

Preliminary agenda: http://www.ba-mosbach.de/index.php?id=819

Best regards

Uwe Janoske


Dear southbound FOAMers,

the third OpenFOAM-"Stammtisch" in southern Germany will take place in Munich (Campus Garching):

April 3rd, 2009, 10:00 a.m.
"Seminarraum 1701"
Department Maschinenbau

For the agenda please download [1]

For the route and campus maps see
Lageplan.gif and


The presentations should be within a time frame of 20-25 minutes giving some room for discussion afterwards. If you plan to give a presentation please send me a mail. I will set up a draft agenda, which will be send in the forefront of the "Stammtisch".

Preliminary list of topics (not complete)


Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF[2]) sessions will be set after lunch to stimulate discussions on various topics. It will be organised along with the formation of different interest groups attending. So for coding please DON'T FORGET YOUR LAPTOPS!

If you are interested and plan to attend, please drop me a mail.

best regards from Munich
Holger Marschall

As a result of our first OpenFOAM user meeting in the SOUTH of Germany at the University of Cooperative Education Mosbach on October, 15th, 2008, a few topics were identified which are of general interest. All interested users are invited to join these groups which will meet several times a year to discuss, to write code, etc. For further information send a mail to the contact person.

As a result of our first OpenFOAM user meeting in the NORTH of Germany at the University of Rostock on November, 5th, 2008, a few topics were identified which are of general interest. All interested users are invited to join these groups which will meet several times a year to discuss, to write code, etc. For further information send a mail to the contact person.

Furthermore general interest in mesh generation and FSI is underlined. For more information write an email to Johann Turnow (johann.turnow@uni-rostock.de).

The next meeting will be in January/February 2009. Details will be published in the OpenFOAM WIKI and the OpenFOAM Message Board.