This is wyldckat's user page.
[hide]1 Description
Bruno Santos works at blueCAPE.
2 Contacts
- Web: blueCAPE contact page
- OpenFOAM Forum: CFD-Online user page
- Twitter: @wyldckat
- Github: wyldckat@github
3 Usage of OpenFOAM
- Cross-compiling OpenFOAM with MinGW and Mingw-w64.
- These cross-compiled builds I do are provided in blueCAPE's blueCFD-Core and blueCFD-SingleCore projects.
- blueCFD-AIR is the current in-house product being developed at blueCAPE. blueCFD-AIR uses blueCAPE's own port of OpenFOAM for Windows for CFD simulations. For more information, see the Projects section.
4 Projects
- blueFIRE :: state-of-the-art real-time fire propagation simulator, designed to assist Civil Protection Forces in forest-fire fighting. Includes a Wind diagnosis capability. Its modular design and API allow an easy integration with GIS, fire detection and risk analysis software.
- Cross-Compiling OpenFOAM for Windows 32 and 64bits, used in the blueCAPE's product/service portfolio blueCFD.
- blueCFD-SingleCore is a subset of blueCFD-Core, providing the modified source code in Git repositories as well as binaries for Windows. Aims to help newcomers start using OpenFOAM on Windows, although it doesn't have all of the amenities that blueCFD-Core provides.
- blueCFD-AIR :: the parent project of gbXML2STL, that aims to provide AEC Engineers and Architects with a powerful, accurate and easy to use CFD development environment for Built environments, based in BIM/CAD models. Currently the CFD engine used is OpenFOAM.
- gbXML2STL :: extracts the building geometry from gbXML, processes it and returns one or more geometry STL files, depending on the command line options. Planning on making a tutorial on how to use it to run simulations with OpenFOAM.
5 Things on this Wiki
Cross Compiling OpenFOAM in Linux For Windows with MinGW
Cross Compiling OpenFOAM 1.6 in Linux For Windows with MinGW
Cross Compiling OpenFOAM 1.7 in Linux For Windows with MinGW
Using Cygwin for cross-compiling OpenFOAM
Using the function object systemCall
Using the function object writeRegisteredObject
Using the function object jobControl
Toolkit for generating PNG images of OF versions
And the list goes on... you might as well browse through the log: Contributions by Wyldckat
5.1 List of pages I have yet to finish writing
Note to readers: Please, feel free to edit and finish these pages if you have the time and the knowledge to do so!
Reference forum pages, referring to some of these pages: Discussion: Restructuring the Installation page at
5.2 List of pages I still want to write
- To create an installation page for Doxygen generated documentation (actually, I think there is one already) and add more information to it: Building Code Documentation on OpenFOAM 2.0.0/x
- To create a dedicated section of "easy how-to" installation instructions for PyFoam.
6 Users
Wyldckat 20:59, 11 November 2009 (UTC)