Main Special Interest Groups
From OpenFOAMWiki
- Now, each of us has his own special gift
- And you know this was meant to be true,
- And if you don't underestimate me,
- I won't underestimate you.
- - Bob Dylan (Dear Landlord)
These pages should help OpenFOAM-Users with special interests to organize themselves into groups
- Aeroacoustics
- Simulation of Engines
- Fluid/Solid Interaction
- Gas explosions (and porous combustion)
- Multiphase Flows
- Nuclear Simulations
- Ship Hydrodynamics
- Teaching
- Turbomachinery
- Turbulence
- High Performance Computing
- Wind Energy
- Combustion and Reacting flows
(the list is not complete. It only reflects the interests of those who have attended the OpenFOAM Workshops in Milan, Zagreb and Montreal)