Salome and cfMesh parametrization

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Running cfMesh[edit]

Setting up mesh dictionary (meshDict) for cfMesh is easy and very good explained in its documentation (cfMesh documentation) and tutorials. Running stlCombine and cfMesh (after generating geometries and case directories with explained bash script "salomePythonScriptReader") is simple and those few commands can be appended to script "salomePythonScriptReader". Now we have completely automatized geometries and mesh generation. If you decide to go step further, It is possible to append OpenFoam commends to bash script "salomePythonScriptReader" and run simulations on created cases.

There are some guidelines which are needed to know when using cfMesh with .stl files. They are explained in thread: cfMesh tips & tricks

    Kruno (talk)09:54, 18 July 2014

    Hi Kruno, great work, thanks for the effort.

    Could you provide a minimal working case that does what you want ? I think I can help with Salome and cfmesh, but I'd like to see the whole thing as one block instead of several parts.



      Bennn (talk)16:19, 11 August 2014

      Hi Ben, Thank you. Sorry for not responding but I wasn't aware of your message. I didn't log on to wikki and I didn't get a notification on email about your message. I just created tutorial file and I will put it online. Sorry for delay ones again.

      Best regards, Kruno

        Kruno (talk)22:59, 22 September 2014