OpenFOAM Foundation has released OpenFOAM 2.4.0 - Release notes for version 2.4.0
Note: The version numbering has changed, with the adoption of the Semantic Versioning specification. This means that 2.4.0 was originally meant to be identified as 2.3.2. This version number change was proposed on this bug report.
Date: 2015/05/22
-- Wyldckat (talk) 15:54, 24 May 2015 (CEST)
- 2 clicks for increased privacy: only when you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation to Facebook. The activation will transmit data to third parties – see i.not connected to Facebook
- 2 clicks for increased privacy: only when you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation to Google+. The activation will transmit data to third parties – see i.nicht mit Google+ verbunden