1 General Tests
Test equation (Einstein):
From the original docu:
Noch eins:
Testen des Syntax Highlighning
#include <iostream>
main() {
std::cout << "Hello, cruel world!\n";
return; // unnecessary
for i in [2,3,5,7,11]:
print i,"is prime ... I think"
ls `pwd` | grep nix
Have I broken something?
Doesn't seem so
Neue Inhstallation
2 Blacklist Test
[1] Does not work
3 Image Test
4 Template Tests
OpenFOAM Template:Openfoam
5 Versionskategorien
6 Main page
The old main page
A variation of Hoogs page
A page to rename
Test the DPL-extension
Test for a news item template
Test whether the Header-Tabs extension messes us up
Add some interesting widgets
Add different types of maps
Test the semantic Wiki stuff
Test the MathJax installation
Test Collapsible stuff
Test Form for adding news
7 Subpages
7.1 Other
8 Test blockMeshCalc
- 2 clicks for increased privacy: only when you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation to Facebook. The activation will transmit data to third parties – see i.not connected to Facebook
- 2 clicks for increased privacy: only when you click here the button will be activated and you can send your recommendation to Google+. The activation will transmit data to third parties – see i.nicht mit Google+ verbunden