
From OpenFOAMWiki
Unofficial OpenFOAM wiki
810 pages have been created

This Wiki collects information about the OpenSource CFD toolbox OpenFOAM and provides a platform for collaborations

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Future events in the OpenFOAM-World (drag timeline - for a complete timeline go to AllEventsTimeline):

1 Refer

1.1 Other

Papers | FoamCFD theses | Solvers | Utilities | Tutorials | Examples | Handy links

2 Events

A list of all events

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3 Learn

3.1 Training
  • Foundation and Advanced courses provided by OpenCFD and SGI.
  • Introductory and Advanced courses provided by Wikki and Gompute.
  • User and Programming courses provided by Icon
3.2 Tutorials

4 The page of the hour

This page was selected randomly from 17 selected articles:

4.1 Contrib/olaFlow

olaFlow is a free and open source project, committed to bringing the latest advances in the simulation of wave dynamics to the OpenFOAM and FOAM-extend communities.

olaFlow is a set of solvers and boundary conditions to generate and absorb water waves actively at the boundaries and to simulate their interaction with porous coastal structures.

The main scope of these modelling tools is coastal, marine, hydraulic and offshore engineering.

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5 Use

5.1 Tips and Tricks
5.2 Other Tools

6 Develop

6.1 Howto...
6.2 Forge

7 Community

  • Users: Persons and Institutions that use OpenFOAM
7.1 Special interest groups
7.2 Local user groups

8 News

8.1 5th OpenFOAM Workshop

21 June,2010 to 24 June,2010 at Chalmers university in Göteborg, Sweden

8.2 OpenSource CFD Conference 2010

4 November, 2010 to 5 November, 2010 in Munich, Germany, More information at http://www.opensourcecfd.com/conference2010/

Venue: Eurostars Grand Central, Munich, Germany

This year’s Open Source CFD International Conference will build upon the considerable interest and success of those who are using, programming and deploying open source CFD solutions.

OSCIC invites authors to submit abstracts of 300-500 words, including title and author contact information and affiliation.

Abstracts are invited for a broad range of topics and should aim to highlight validated methods and breakthrough technologies. Works should demonstrate how adoption of open source CFD software is moving CAE process and business forward.

The following types of participation are all available at the event: - Written paper - Oral (slides) presentation - Poster presentation

The paper submission deadline was extended to 16th July 2010 and a submission form is provided at http://www.opensourcecfd.com/conference2010/

8.3 WikiNews Added dynamic content to the front page

The front page now has dynamic content that changes automagically

--Bgschaid 11:55, 16 May 2010 (UTC)
8.4 Release 1.7 of OpenFOAM

OpenCFD released version 1.7 of OpenFOAM. In addition to the usual source-packages binary packages for Debian/Ubuntu were released and can be downloaded here

For details see the release notes

--Bgschaid 17:55, 28 June 2010 (UTC)
8.5 First Meeting of the Local User Group Austria

The first meeting of the Austrian User Group will take place at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) on September 10, 2010. Start will be at 10:00, we meet at the "Kontaktraum" (TU Wien, Neues EI - 6. Stock, Gußhausstraße 5, 1040 Wien).

For details see Local_User_Groups_/_Local_User_Group_Austria

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9 Links

9.1 Wiki links

User pages | Local user groups | Special Interest Groups | Discuss this wiki | more

9.2 Active sites

FoamCFD (English) | OFWikiJa (Japanese) | University of Rostock wiki (German) | Mavimo (Italian) | CFD Italia (Italian) | Notes on CFD (Portuguese)

9.3 Commercial Companies

10 Legal

  • The contents on this site is published under GNU FDL
  • "OpenFOAM" is a registered trademark of OpenCFD
  • This site is not affiliated with OpenCFD Ltd
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