Main ContribUtilities

From OpenFOAMWiki

These are utilities contributed by users.

1 Utilities that fit into the OpenFOAM scheme

The structure of this page is modelled after the directory structure of the utility sources.

1.1 errorEstimation

1.2 mesh

1.2.1 advanced

1.2.2 conversion

  • gmshToFoamMod: modified version of gmshToFoam with a few optimizations. This version also has options to write cellZones, write faceZones and control the quantity of text output.
  • gmsh2ToFoam: A modified gmshToFoam with Gmsh 2.0 support and other features. The page describes gmsh2ToFoam that comes with gmshFoam (see the Other section below).
  • salomeToOpenFOAM: It provides a few Python scripts for assisting in the conversion of meshes created in Salome to OpenFOAM mesh format.

1.2.3 generation

  • blockMeshWithSets: generates a mesh from a blockMeshDict with cellSets
  • blockMeshHexModel: a paper model of the standard OF hexaeder
  • blockMeshDG: A patch to the blockMesh tool to enable double graded meshes, that is meshes which have a minimum or maximum cell spacing in the middle of an edge.

1.2.4 manipulation

  • alignMeshSurf: moves mesh points in the Z direction so that the bottom and top faces are aligned with provided surfaces
  • makeAxialMesh: converts a 2D-mesh into an axial-symmetric (wedge) mesh
  • splitMeshWithSets: variation of the original splitMesh that preserves faceSets

1.3 miscellaneous

  • modifyPatches is a utility used to manipulate the "constant/polyMesh/boundary" file to be used with (e.g. splitMesh or gmshToFoam)
  • cellCenters: A utility to write the position of each mesh cell center for a given timestep.
  • checkMeshEx: A patch to the checkMesh tool to calculate the volume ratio of adjacent cells.

1.4 parallelProcessing

1.5 postProcessing

  • calcMassFlow: Simple Utility to calculate the mass-flow through selected boundaries and face-sets
  • wpcRAS: Calculate true static pressure (i.e. p-2/3k) and wind pressure coefficient
  • vtkAnim: A small utility to make animations from cross section field data

1.6 preProcessing

  • setDiscreteFields: sets profiles of any vector/scalar fields at specified boundary patches with using discrete profile data

1.7 surface

1.8 thermophysical

  • wallHeatFluxAutoWallTreatmentCFX: Heat flux calculation Utility based on CFX's Automatic Wall Treatment for Wall function meshes. For OF version 2.3.1 and 4.1.

2 Other

These utilities don't fit into the above categories.

  • gmshFoam: A conceptual implementation of a total Gmsh pre/mid/post-processing environment for OpenFOAM
  • gdbOF: A debugging tool for OpenFOAM.