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ascDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
21:09, 15 February 2018 Motorbike bench template.tar.gz (file) 9 KB Ketgiljarhus   1
05:16, 22 March 2018 (file) 1.02 MB Jessecoombs An implimentation of the Wray Agarwal 1-equation turbulence model, and test case. 1
12:35, 21 June 2018 01baseCase.tar.gz (file) 30 KB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepare Training for Workshop 2018 1
12:38, 21 June 2018 02staticSetup.tar.gz (file) 31 KB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepare Training for Workshop 2018 1
12:38, 21 June 2018 03simpleGroovyBC.tar.gz (file) 66 KB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepare Training for Workshop 2018 1
12:39, 21 June 2018 04moreGroovyBC.tar.gz (file) 102 KB Bgschaid   1
12:39, 21 June 2018 Stage0 originalCase.tar.gz (file) 3 KB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepare Training for Workshop 2018 1
12:39, 21 June 2018 Stage1 addedCustomRegexp.tar.gz (file) 3 KB Bgschaid   1
12:40, 21 June 2018 Stage2 templateParameters.tar.gz (file) 3 KB Bgschaid   1
12:40, 21 June 2018 Stage3 rhoSimpleFoam.tar.gz (file) 4 KB Bgschaid   1
12:40, 21 June 2018 Stage4 plotlines.tar.gz (file) 5 KB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepare Training for Workshop 2018 1
12:40, 21 June 2018 Stage5 coarseMesh.tar.gz (file) 5 KB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepare Training for Workshop 2018 1
12:41, 21 June 2018 Stage6 meshCreate.tar.gz (file) 5 KB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepare Training for Workshop 2018 1
12:41, 21 June 2018 Stage7 initPotential.tar.gz (file) 5 KB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepare Training for Workshop 2018 1
12:41, 21 June 2018 Stage8 extendCoupled.tar.gz (file) 7 KB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepare Training for Workshop 2018 1
12:42, 21 June 2018 Stage9 parallel.tar.gz (file) 7 KB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepare Training for Workshop 2018 1
12:42, 21 June 2018 Stage10 parameterVariation.tar.gz (file) 7 KB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepare Training for Workshop 2018 1
12:47, 21 June 2018 PyFoamPrepare Shanghai2018 Material.tar.gz (file) 56 KB Bgschaid   1
12:49, 21 June 2018 PyFoamSwak Shanghai2018 Material.tar.gz (file) 219 KB Bgschaid   1
10:57, 11 August 2018 OF Version 6.png (file) 702 B Wyldckat Icon for OF version 6 template 1
10:59, 11 August 2018 OF Version 1706plus.png (file) 917 B Wyldckat Icon for version v1706 template 1
11:00, 11 August 2018 OF Version 1712plus.png (file) 834 B Wyldckat Icon for version v1712 template 1
11:00, 11 August 2018 OF Version 1806plus.png (file) 962 B Wyldckat Icon for version v1806 template 1
19:06, 2 October 2018 Openfoam benchmarks all.png (file) 15 KB Ketgiljarhus   5
07:19, 22 July 2019 PyFoamSwak Duisburg2019 Material.tar.gz (file) 219 KB Bgschaid Material for the Duisburg-Training (basically the same as for Shanghai. That's why the Wiki complains) 1
20:06, 22 July 2019 OF Version 7.png (file) 690 B Wyldckat The image for OpenFOAM 7 1
09:09, 5 August 2019 BernhardGschaider-OFW14 advancedSwak4Foam.pdf (file) 2.66 MB Bgschaid Advanced swak4Foam-Training held in Duisburg 2019 1
09:10, 5 August 2019 BernhardGschaider-OFW14 swakPyFoamBasicTraining.pdf (file) 2.93 MB Bgschaid Updated version of the basic swak4Foam/PyFoam-Training held in Duisburg 2019 1
17:43, 25 November 2019 Plan PFAU 19.png (file) 468 KB Makaveli lcf   1
22:08, 26 November 2019 OF Version 41ext.png (file) 1 KB Wyldckat Version logo for foam-extend 4.1 1
08:40, 27 November 2019 PFAU v 19 Agenda.pdf (file) 197 KB Makaveli lcf Participants affiliations corrected. 2
10:59, 6 June 2020 PFAU2019UniversalBuildScript.pdf (file) 701 KB Bgschaid Building OpeNFOAM with Ansible 1
15:20, 18 June 2020 PyFoamSwak VATech2020 Material.tar.gz (file) 218 KB Bgschaid   2
21:28, 18 June 2020 PyFoamProgramming VATech2020 Material.tar.gz (file) 46 KB Bgschaid Material for the PyFoam-Programming Training at the OFW15 1
10:56, 23 June 2020 BernhardGschaider-OFW15 swakPyFoamBasicTraining.pdf (file) 2.95 MB Bgschaid swakPyFoam Training Presentation at the VTech OpenFAOM Workshop 2020 1
10:02, 24 June 2020 BernhardGschaider-OFW15 ProgrammingPyFoamTraining.pdf (file) 3.51 MB Bgschaid Training Presentation on programming with PyFoam held at the VirginiaTech Workshop 2020 1
10:52, 3 September 2020 OF Version 8.png (file) 720 B Wyldckat Icon for V8 1
19:19, 18 October 2020 PFAU2020SimpleRegionSolvers.pdf (file) 2.27 MB Bgschaid Held at the Austrian User Group Meeting October 2020 1
23:00, 7 February 2021 BernhardGschaider-OFW13 pyFoamPrepareCase.pdf (file) 3.83 MB Bgschaid Presentation from Shanghai Workshop 1
08:22, 13 May 2021 PlaneWall2D-v8.tar.gz (file) 6 KB Shor-ty Updated case for OpenFOAM v8 1
12:03, 4 June 2021 PyFoamSwak Dublin2021 Material.tar.gz (file) 218 KB Bgschaid Material for the pyFoam/swak4Foam introduction at the Dublin Workshop 1
21:36, 8 June 2021 PyFoamSwak4Devs Dublin2021 Material.tar.gz (file) 19 KB Bgschaid Material for the swak4Foam/PyFoam 4 Devs presentation 1
09:47, 4 December 2021 FigureGridLduMatrix.png (file) 7 KB MAlletto   5
20:24, 28 June 2022 BernhardGschaider-OFW16 swakPyFoam4Developers.pdf (file) 2.48 MB Bgschaid   1
00:23, 8 July 2022 PFAU2017Leoben BernhardGschaider.pdf (file) 1.03 MB Bgschaid Presentation about Scripting integration in swak4Foam 1
08:00, 8 July 2022 PyFoamSwak Cambridge2022 Material.tar.gz (file) 219 KB Bgschaid Material for the Cambridge 2022 introduction to swak4Foam and PyFoam. Essentially the same as the one from last year 1
23:54, 11 July 2022 BernhardGschaider-OFW17 swakPyFoamBasicTraining.pdf (file) 7.01 MB Bgschaid Basic swak/PyFoam-Training as it was held at the 022 Cambridge-Workshop 1
19:59, 8 July 2023 PyFoamPrepareCase Genua2023 Material.tar.gz (file) 87 KB Bgschaid Training material for the pyFoamPrepareCase-training at the 2023 Workshop 1
11:11, 11 July 2023 BernhardGschaider-OFW18 pyFoamPrepareCase.pdf (file) 4.34 MB Bgschaid pyFoamPrepareCase presentation for Genua 20223 1
01:41, 12 October 2023 PotentialWaveFoam.tar.gz (file) 179 KB 7islands A one-line solver that solves a wave equation, fvm::d2dt2(phi) == c * c *fvc::laplacian(phi) 1

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