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Fragment of a discussion from Talk:Installation/Linux/foam-extend-3.0
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Hi Dominik,

Feel free to take over the management of this page and respective sub-pages! Specially, to change the maintainer's username at the top of the page Installation/Linux/foam-extend-3.0 ;)

I wrote these pages to fill in the gap between the instructions that are on the Git repository and on the Wikki website. In addition, the instructions for Ubuntu are more detailed in certain aspects, as the Allwmake.firstInstall script didn't look bulletproof to me back then. And most of the other Linux Distributions are only present as stubs, pointing to the last known public instructions. And this infrastructure can help the FOAM-Extend project in deprecating the old text files that are on the Git repository.

By the way, the Allwmake.stage5 script is having trouble with installing swak4Foam, which is why I pointed in the wiki to the latest instructions for it: Installation/swak4Foam

Best regards, Bruno

Wyldckat (talk)12:00, 26 March 2014


Allwmake.firstInstall should become as bullet-proof as possible, so I will put it up as default installation. If any distros require special measure, we will collect that here.

Regarding Allwmake.stage5, it had a race condition that would case problems in parallel compiling. I though I had it removed by enforcing single processor compilation. Does it still fail for you? Will keep the link to Installation/swak4Foam until this is cleared.

Best regards, Dominik

Dchrist (talk)11:48, 3 April 2014

Hi Dominik,

OK, the problem in AllMake.stage5 with swak4Foam is currently fixed by using the Mercurial repository. But it could also use the SVN repository... let me report this on the bug tracker... OK, updated the existing bug report, comment #518: Unable to build swak4Foam 0.2.4 in foam-extend-3.0

Regarding the latest wiki page iteration: given the past issue with the DMCA take down that occurred over a year ago, as well as issues that some users have with using Git and SVN from, I suggest that a wiki page (and respective link) is added for the available git mirrors. If you agree, I can take care of that.

Best regards, Bruno

Wyldckat (talk)18:40, 5 April 2014

Hi Bruno, Thanks for your message. Please do include the mirror links. Thank you very much!! Best regards, Dominik

Dchrist (talk)10:45, 13 May 2014

I've added the mirror information and since the Arch Linux related page has been updated, I've rehashed the old idea of using sub-pages for system-specific instructions.

Wyldckat (talk)13:23, 15 June 2014