
From OpenFOAMWiki
< Installation
Revision as of 17:00, 30 April 2016 by Wyldckat (Talk | contribs)

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1 Introduction

This page is an entry point to the several instructions made available for quickly installing swak4Foam on any operating system. For more information about it, check the official wiki page: Contrib/swak4Foam

As for installing swak4Foam, begin by reading the page referring to the Operating System you're using, located at this sub-page: Installation/swak4Foam/Installing On - more specifically, one of these pages:

Installation/swak4Foam/Installing On/Ubuntu

If the instructions for your Operating System are not yet available, then read the section Detailed instructions on how to install swak4Foam for the general installation instructions.

For reference, here is the complete list of pages that fall into the category of installing swak4Foam:

2 Detailed instructions on how to install swak4Foam

Discussion thread where you can ask questions about these steps: Error installing swak4Foam


  1. Install the necessary packages:
    • Compiler tools, such as gcc, g++, make and binutils - These are needed for building swak4Foam. You should already have them installed if you built OpenFOAM from source code.
    • bison and flex - Needed for building swak4Foam.
    • m4 - Need only for building bison from source code.
    • subversion - Only needed if you're going to download from an SVN repository.
    • git - Only needed if you're going to download from a Git repository.
    • mercurial - Only needed if you're going to download from a Mercurial repository.
    • wget - If you're going to download a snapshot directly from the command line.
    You might only know which packages you'll need, when following the instructions from the following two steps.
  2. Now, to download and unpack swak4Foam, please follow the respective instructions from this page: Installation/swak4Foam/Downloading - once you've completed the download and unpacking process, then you can proceed to the following step.
  3. Now you should check if the necessary dependencies are already installed, before building swak4Foam. Please check the following page to see which ones you might still need: Installation/swak4Foam/Building dependencies - if you don't understand which ones you need, you can skip this step.
  4. Now let's build swak4Foam:
    #Go into swak4Foam's main source folder
    cd swak4Foam
    # This next command will take a while...
    ./Allwmake > log.make 2>&1
    #Run it a second time for getting a summary of the installation
    ./Allwmake > log.make 2>&1
    If using a GCC or ICC compiler (and not clang), then before running Allwmake, the following command can define the number of cores to be used for a faster build process:
    export WM_NCOMPPROCS=4
    Where 4 means that the machine has got 4 processor cores. Using a value larger than the number of cores the machine has got, can risk using more memory than the machine has got and leading to a freeze or crash.
  5. If you're not familiar with OpenFOAM's build process, namely to check if everything built as intended, then check the instructions given at this page: Installation/swak4Foam/Understanding Error Messages
  6. If everything went well, then head onto the main swak4Foam page: Contrib/swak4Foam

Discussion thread where you can ask questions about these steps: Error installing swak4Foam

3 How to add new pages

Check the source code of one or more of the children pages listed in the Introduction to get a better idea of the structure, but the common structure is as follows:

  1. All children pages must start with Installation/swak4Foam
  2. All the children pages that are instructing on how to install in a specific Operating System, should start with Installation/swak4Foam/Installing On
  3. Next indicate the operating system it's meant for and in that page, must refer have at the bottom of the page this code:
    [[Category:Installing swak4Foam]]
  4. Whenever there is a detail specific to a swak4Foam version, please indicate directly where that detail is relevant. If it extends for more than a paragraph, then please create a chapter dedicated to explaining said difference and link to it from where it refers to.