Main ContribSolvers

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Revision as of 14:29, 17 December 2008 by Bgschaid (Talk | contribs)

Contributed solvers

1 Solvers that fit into the OpenFOAM classification

These solvers fit into the classification, that is given by the directory structure of the solver-sources.

1.1 basic

1.2 combustion

  • reactingFoam Adding ignition to reactingFoam.
  • alternateReactingFoam A library and a solver based on it that allow the usage of different chemistry engines for reacting flows

1.3 compressible

1.4 DNSandLES

1.5 electromagnetics

1.6 financial

1.7 heat transfer

1.8 incompressible

1.9 multiphase

1.10 stressAnalysis

2 Other

These solvers don't fit into the standard scheme.

2.1 Turbulence Modeling

2.2 Technology Demos

Solvers that demonstrate concepts, but haven't got a fully implemented physics.

  • icoStructFoam Fluid-Structure interaction. Demonstrates the use of two coupled solvers and mesh motion
  • interTrackFoamTracks a moving interface with a moving mesh, so that the mesh boundary remains coincident with the interface.
  • solidParticleFoamA minimalistic code and case set-up as an example of how to use the solidParticleCloud class.

Note to editors: Use the solver name as the page name, when adding a new solver to this page, but prepend custom in order to avoid name clashes