
From OpenFOAMWiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
About "How to install navalFoam"011:56, 2 March 2014
I'm not 100% certain if "FAQ/Wiki/Ideas" is the best place for this page010:31, 2 November 2013

About "How to install navalFoam"


I've created the following page: Extend-bazaar/Toolkits/ShipHydroSIG

The links between this page and the respective SIG are up. The page is considered incomplete, since there is still a lot that can be written on this topic.

edit: I'm removing this idea, since it has been implemented.

Wyldckat (talk)11:55, 2 March 2014

I'm not 100% certain if "FAQ/Wiki/Ideas" is the best place for this page


I'm not certain if "FAQ/Wiki/Ideas" is the best place for this page, but it felt like it when I created it, since there is no other section on the wiki I can find where this would be best placed. At best, I think the other location would be at Main_Ideas?

Wyldckat (talk)10:31, 2 November 2013